#502 – 1990

Our basement flooded a number of times during my childhood. It always resulted in a strange mix of lost and found. Many things would be “lost” in the sense that they were damaged and had to be tossed out. But strangely there would always be things that were “found.” Misplaced objects or toys would be discovered undamaged amongst the soggy mess. As a kid I didn’t store any of my personal belongings down there so I always came out ahead at the end of the cleanup.


35 thoughts on “#502 – 1990”

  1. Dark Rei says:

    I used to live in a place where it was the first floor which flooded, not the basement… It was more than inconvenient at times.

  2. Lisa says:

    If I ever have to worry about flooding build an ark.

  3. Silfedac says:

    My basement has only flooded once, when a pipe burst. It really sucked, too, ’cause our basement is completely finished.

  4. J.R. says:

    What 1990 flood are you referring to? Shadyside? Somewhere in Canada that Google doesn’t seem to care about?

    Incidentally, it really is amazing that Biff manages to turn the most mundane tasks into life-threatening mishaps (to mortals, anyway), but can squeeze natural disaster lemons into elegant, ironic lemonade.

  5. PsychoDuck says:

    Unless something freakish happens here, I don’t think it’ll ever flood. I live a considerable height above Lake Ontario, and the Rouge Valley is practically next door. The water wouldn’t get more than a foot deep before it ran downhill.

    Plus, I live in an above-ground apartment 🙂

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  6. William Erasmus says:

    J.R., your comment deserves to kept in a Quote Hall of Fame.

  7. blaz42 says:

    I have flooded our basement once, just forgot to turn off water on the garden and the rest was matter of the slopes, leading right into the basement window. It took us whole day to get rid of all the water. But surprisingly enough, some lost items became found and basement was nice and clean after that, so this is a good way to either clean up your basement or to discover anything misplaced.

  8. MadDavid says:

    J.R.: When you get cut in half as many times as Biff does, its not hard to turn hurricanes into lemonade.

  9. Jake says:

    those tennis balls look to be higher than usual from the water. good comic though

  10. SEA says:

    4th floor of a HDB flat

    If it floods, i’m in trouble X_X

  11. K says:


    Knowing Biff, he probably filled the tennis balls with something like pure hydrogen or Flubber or the Strange Matter equivalent of helium.

  12. insertnamehere says:

    I don’t even HAVE a basement…

  13. MaskedMan says:

    Flooding retrieves all manner of things… Tennis balls, old pill bottles, empty soda cans, spiders…

    Yeah, we’ve been flooded.

  14. Micah says:

    That reminds me of the Mythbusters episode where they used ping pong balls to raise a sunken ship.

  15. Funnyman141 says:

    are you talking about the flood in Fort Madison? thats the only flood I know about
    and the closest it came from flooding was up to the back porch the basement was dry as a dirt

  16. Gobbledegook says:

    I used to live in West Virginia, and the next town over flooded over so often that the local supermarket had a canoe on the roof to get people home if it happened while people were shopping.

  17. Chris says:

    @J.R. – It’s a brand new record for 1990.

  18. APic says:

    My basement flooded once. Apparently something went wrong with the toilet, as it started spewing water. Luckily, the toilet was empty at the time.

  19. JakeS says:

    Awesome. I can picture Biff sitting around patiently for months just waiting for a flood.

  20. FWTrump says:

    Ugh.. Where I live now, the basement basically put, semi-floods at least once a week… No better way to ruin a good day than to have to get the water vac out to go through a muck of toliet paper scraps and Lord knows what else.

  21. no name says:

    I remember on April 15th 2007 (Tax day) we had a HUGE rainstorm and we got at least 5 inches of water in our basement. There were naighbors who said they got 5 feet, so I guess we were lucky.

  22. Jayne Squared says:

    Regarding basement floods;
    we didn’t realize the idiocy of putting valuable paper documents in the basement until the basement became a pond.

    I guess those things happen.

  23. Reg says:

    People find long lost possessions by flooding their basements? I think I should really get around to doing that… but I have too many electronics down there, so oh well.

  24. no name says:

    @Chris – The new site is better in some ways but also worse in others. Like how do I find a comic only by the number?

  25. Chris says:

    @no name – Hey good point! I just added a search box at the bottom of the right column. Now finding a comic by the number is a snap!

  26. Kitsunie says:

    I think this is one of my favorite Biffs. Not really sure why. XD I just like how Biff looks.

  27. no name says:

    Awesome. It feels so weird having influence on the site like that! 😀

  28. Chris says:

    @no name – What color should Biff’s shirt be tomorrow?

  29. no name says:

    @Chris – lol. thanks, but I’m not the person to decide that.

  30. Buckeroo says:

    Biff should have a shirt that clashes with everything. Not for tomorrow, just on general principle.

  31. Yurgenst says:

    Haha the ad at the bottom of the page for me is for water damage and flood repair!

  32. Pottery says:

    Seems to me that the tennis balls don’t appreciate Biff losing them in the first place, and now that they’re at his head level they’re going to do something about it.

  33. ye olde backereader says:

    I bet the name of this comic is related to a certain They Might Be Giants album released in a certain year.

  34. Chris says:

    @ye olde backereader – Yay, it only took a little over one year for someone to say it 🙂

  35. Allie says:

    I hope those aren’t the electric tennis balls again…Biff probably wouldn’t even wait for them to dry out before plugging them into the near wall socket.

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