#497 – Drowsy

A few Sundays ago I woke up and had a lot of work to do. I was very tired and unmotivated. I just couldn’t get started. Then I cracked open a can of Sobe No Fear. One of my current favorite energy drinks. I wound up getting more things done than I had planned. It felt pretty good to accomplish all that stuff but then I also felt a little disappointed. I felt that maybe I’m not capable of doing work like that by myself. It’s really the “buzz” that’s doing all the work. If that’s true… I should start drinking 2 a day!


33 thoughts on “#497 – Drowsy”

  1. Micah says:

    My doctor told me I had to cut back on caffeine! It’s been hell.

  2. Heinrich says:

    lol i hate it when that happens.

  3. PsychoDuck says:

    I can’t have caffeine at all. Damn heart condition.

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  4. insertnamehere says:

    I’ve never needed any stimulant taken on purpose. Probably all the sugar around. But sometimes it still feels great to get that buzz. But I don’t know why. As someone who’s on the unfit side of fitness, it’s great to have that much energy. weee!

  5. I work at a coffee shop, I don’t drink coffee, or tea for that matter. But we brew this big pot of this herbal tea everyday, it has no caffeine but works ten times better than any caffeine I’ve had. Unfortunately, it tastes like dirt. Still, when work needs to get done, I can stomach about half a cup and stay wired for the next 6 hours.

  6. ReapANinja says:

    this week’s theme is Off! going off, turning off, wearing off…

  7. Matthew says:

    Energy drinks don’t work on me, sad thing I guess, because I could really use the energy.

  8. DracoZereul says:

    I honestly can’t trust energy drinks or anything caffeinated. I drink soda almost more than I drink water, and if there isn’t soda in the house, it’s chocolate milk, kool-aid, apple juice, anything sweet/sugary. So, because sugar is almost constantly in my system, I don’t feel any real buzz or burst of energy from caffeine or energy drinks. However, there have been times when I’ll drink one of those drinks that “claim” to give you energy, like Vault or something, and drink it like I do other drinks, with no sense of moderation. After 3 or so cans within 30 minutes on a hot day, I’ll have a headache, feel a tiny bit queasy, and actually deprived of energy instead of brimming with it. Not a fun feeling.

  9. J says:

    i’m pretty sure that stuff has a big warning label saying not to drink more than one a day.

    i find caffeinated products that require warning labels to be frightening.

  10. blaz42 says:

    @PsychoDuck: Same for me, man. And guess what? It was caused by energy drinks, isn’t it irony?

  11. LazerWulf says:

    The first time I had an energy drink, I made the mistake of drinking it at 8PM. I didn’t really notice a difference, until I tried to go to bed, sometime around midnight. I’m not sure how long it took me to go to sleep. But I do remember that I had the time to count to 1000… IN JAPANESE!

  12. Colin says:

    Lol@energy drinks.
    Don’t drink ’em.
    found this one site where they tell you how much of different energy drinks will kill ya.
    Also, i think the theme for this week is general failure.
    poosibly at life.

  13. Chris says:

    @J – It’s not a “warning” but it says “Not recommended for children, pregnant women or persons sensitive to caffeine.”

    @Colin – You may be thinking of the last time I talked about energy drinks:

  14. SEA says:

    The only effects i feel from them is not being able to sleep -_-

    No extra energy, zilch, none, nada.

  15. KayRis says:

    Hehe, i’m a coffee addict myself. Energy drinks taste weird, but I’ve been drinking coffee since I was a baby. Seriously–one of my aunts used to put a little coffee in my bottle with a lot of milk. And then they wonder why I’m a little screwy…

  16. Jackson says:

    Probably the most universally relatable Biff comic yet. With the possible exception of, you know, #278.

    In all seriousness, though, I rarely rely on caffeine for energy boosts. I don’t want to acclimatize myself to it; I want to be able to rely on it when I need a jump start. Most days when I get coffee I’m just looking for a warm beverage, so I get decaf.

  17. Imaginary says:

    I generally don’t need a lot of caffine, but apparently I drink enough chocolate milk that I get a caffine related headache if I don’t have at least two cups a day now. (The milk to chocolate ratio is not that great, I must chug a shoot ton of that stuff. >< )

  18. Eludya says:

    Maaan I know that feeling. I gave up the all-night WoW stints though. I’m also working on giving up caffeine, but it’s slow going. I was off, we go to one restaurant and I forget and order Coke instead of Sprite, and now I’m having trouble weaning off it again.

  19. Seraphine says:

    I love my morning coffee. But generally,
    I don’t drink it later in the day.

  20. Daniel says:

    Lol, this comic reminds me of the time I fell asleep in front of my home computer. I woke up and the keys were imprinted on my face. We called it QWERTY-Face.

  21. Foxfire says:

    I’ve come darn close to falling asleep infront of my PC a few times. Never actually managed it before though. As for caffeine, I really can’t drink a lot of it, or I get sleepy. (I’m wierd like that). Really, it’s the sugar in stuff that keeps me going more than the caffeine.

  22. Metal Matt says:

    @Chris: Actually some of them do have legitimate warnings on them. Monster energy drinks, for instance, have a warning that reads “Drink Responsibly: Limit yourself to 3 cans per day.” or something along those lines.

    Also, that site that shows you how much of each thing it requires to kill you is inaccurate. They’re only taking into account the raw amount of caffeine in it. My friend downed 6 Full Throttles in like 2 hours and he had a minor heart attack…

    Anyway, this is one of the funniest ones in a long time. I actually lol’ed when the page loaded!

  23. speearr says:

    Yes yes, this happens to me all the time. Only, my keyboard is attached to the laptop.

  24. Reynard says:

    I had to wean myself off of caffeine as part of treatment for a sleep disorder and I hated every minute of it. I’ve read about how tough heroin withdrawal is, but I swear it’s *nothing* compared to caffeine withdrawal. Now I’m limited to no more than one 12 oz. caffeinated per week.

  25. MaskedMan says:

    Heh! Keyboard-face! I’ve done that a few times… Or more than a few!

    When I was in the service still, and most especially, still in submarines, I lived on caffeine. Not so much, now… Only so much of that a body can take.

  26. random person says:

    I was right!!!! The theme of the week is what happens when things expire=)

    ^ ^ / HA! HA! HA!
    U <____________/

  27. Caffeine makes me twitch. I’d probably die if I drank Jolt or a strong coffee.

  28. biggo says:

    This actually happened to me. W00t! I’ve always wanted to write this as a comment to a Biff story 😀
    If you’ve ever had an Atari ST, you’ll know that the keyboard’s clicks come from the loudspeaker. I managed to sleep a couple hours with my face on the keyboard and the monitor going DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR the whole time. I used to keep the MIDI metronome on the monitor’s speaker, so the volume was set very high o_O

  29. Cari says:

    I don’t drink much caffeine, so I’m fairly sensitive to it. Once time I had some coffee that someone had made with twice the coffee and half the water. After 1/3 cup, my hands were shaking so badly I couldn’t dial a phone (it took 8-10 tries…)

  30. Nero says:

    Ugh. I am truly a caffeine addict. I need that stuff just to get up now. I’ve been drinking about three cups of coffee, two monster energy drinks, and one of those ultra caffinated bolt energy drinks that are illegal for anyone under 18. Heh. Then I can actually get out of bed.

  31. wisp says:

    after drinking mountain dew code red almost non stop since it first came out i learn the hard way that the doctors wernt kidding about the withdrawl headachs (>_<) i had to have some minor surgery done and couldnt drink ANYTHING more complex than water the week before and going from 8 or 10 dews a day to water wasnt fun. it felt like someone put mah brain in a washing machine full of bowling balls…..

  32. Kyle says:

    Well with sobe no fear you would need to be 332 pounds to have 130 cans kill you, last time you needed 130 to kill you on your favorite drink back then.

  33. Mewthicus says:

    Did you know? Caffeine increases the flow of oxygen to your brain by expanding the blood vessels a bit. The headache is your brain complaining from the minor oxygen deprivation it’s experiencing when the caffeine wears off and the blood vessels shrink back to normal size.
    Siberian Ginseng is a healthy alternative, and you don’t crash from it.

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