#455 – Trajectory

I thought slingshots were cool but for some reason my mom would never get me one. The best I could do was fling rocks with a plastic spoon. It had to be the right kind of spoon. Some of them were too brittle and snapped in half on the first try. Some were too soft and just kind of folded. Some had the perfect amount of elasticity that let me hit the dead end sign from 100 yards away.


0 thoughts on “#455 – Trajectory”

  1. Sleepingorange says:

    One of my favorite video games growing up was Secret of Mana. In it, you got to travel by cannon, which is LIKE slingshot, but more explosive. And expensive.

    So you grew up in a cul-de-sac?

  2. SEA says:

    Biff just impresses me more and more with every amazing thing he does
    Amazing…he really looks like he’s flying =D

    Slingslots? Closest thing i got was flinging rubber bands ^_^’

  3. Heinrich says:

    I think traveling by slingshot would be cool, but traveling by trebuchet would be cooler.

  4. Seraphine says:

    Slingshots and Sparrows
    of outrageous fortune…

  5. Seraphine says:

    Heinrich- I think, just for today,
    you “outcooled” even Biff! 🙂

  6. Micah says:

    Did he get it from Acme?

  7. VampirePumpkins says:

    =O I hope being a traveling salesman works out better than putting dirt on the road!
    Then he can afford all of his nifty gadgets X3.

  8. Harlequin says:

    I remember once me and my little brother made a huge slingshot out of a pair of star picket and a bicycle tube. It could fire pretty far and lasted for ages before it finally broke.

  9. Caitlin says:

    I live in a dead end/cul-de-sac. But we don’t get a dead end sign 🙁
    Possibly because my street comes of a more main street, which has dead ends and U-shaped streets all along it…bizarre city, strangely designed. Full of circles and spirals.

  10. RFPT says:

    so that’s what he is. a travelling salesman….
    does he sell hairdryers on Proxima Island?

  11. Chivalrybean says:

    This reminds me of the mashed potatos on my parent’s celing… That one blob is still there after all these years.

  12. Tyler Smart says:

    Even as a fan, I must point out that Dilbert did this roughly 10-15 years ago.

  13. Jackson says:

    Sleepingorange, I totally remember Secret of Mana. That game was pretty rad, transportation-wise. I say this because later you got a dragon.

    In today’s comic Biff looks like he’s standing on that cloud behind him. This is probably actually something he can do.

  14. MaskedMan says:

    So Biff is a shaved Elbonian?

  15. pieman says:

    DAMN YOU JACKSON! youve just got the image of biff in mary poppins’s clothes… that is freaky.

  16. AJ says:

    I made my own slingshot, out of wood(duhr) an elastic, and two band-aids put together to hold whatever I was slinging, usually these weird nuts all the kids would steal from a tree at the end of the block. It was pretty sweet.

  17. some kid says:

    he should be wearing his antigravity boots
    i know he has at least one pair

  18. trevor says:

    How’s he supposed to get back?

  19. Ben says:

    I had originally assumed Biff had gone to heaven…

    slingshot would definitely be the way to go, it beats the secret of mana cannon!

  20. PsychoDuck says:

    Frugal’s an awesome word. I need to apply that to daily life more often.

    But I shouldn’t use it too much. I must be frugal about it!

    Great comic as always, Chris 🙂

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  21. Heinrich says:

    seraphine, i dunno. that’s saying a lot. 🙂

  22. Chezetoats says:

    That is awesome!

    When I was a kid, I used to find those sticks that have a fork in it, and then tape a rubber band between the two parts. It made a really bad slingshot, if I was lucky I could shoot a rock maybe 100 feet. Then I just went to the store when I got older and bought a real slingshot, that thing was awesome!

  23. Nugget says:

    Is the theme work?

  24. Nugget says:

    One of my elderly teachers would always say she was frugal. I would love to see her try to travel by slingshot. I think Biff is the only on great enough to accomplish it without killing himself.

  25. Andy tuba says:

    Biff prefers Albanian Airlines?

  26. Torg says:

    I’m with Heinrich, but I’m more of a Roman type. I’d prefer onager travel over even a trebuchet.

  27. Zach Light says:

    I so want a sling shot, one of those cool, ones with a scope laser.

  28. rysworld says:

    It looks like he’s standing on a cloud.

  29. YukiSnowflake says:

    heh… i remember once, at my school…
    (prepare for long story)
    …someone brought in a sling, but they had nothing to throw, so they borowed a small banana from someone, that was really old and slimy.
    It stuck to the wall, and there’s STILL a mark on the wall.
    Just proves how crap school cleaners are…

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