#422 – Lumens

The moon was magical when I was a kid. I still have a vivid memory of one night playing outside with a friend. We started walking home and were fascinated with how the moon seemed to stay directly over our heads. It seemed like we were covering a long distance but it stayed there watching over us. Then we got to the point where we were almost home and had to walk in opposite directions. We were excited to see what the moon was going to do. Amazingly, the moon split itself into two identical orbs so that we each had our own light to get safely home by.


0 thoughts on “#422 – Lumens”

  1. SEA says:

    Lol,didn’t know the moon is a lightbulb =p

    Anyway, what you saw was because of the distance the moon is away from earth. =p

  2. Warcrime says:

    SEA I sure he knows that now, but back when it happened he was a kid thinking like that.

  3. PsychoDuck says:

    Man, that must have been an amazing moment.. I remember thinking that the moon and stars were following us, too. Being a kid was so fun in that respect…

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  4. Seraphine says:

    I’m stocking up on the old kind of bulbs.
    The energy efficient ones aren’t bright
    enough. Besides, with that weird spiral
    shape, my lampshades won’t fit on them.

  5. Jack says:

    I once realized the same thing with the sun. Though in hindsight I think it was a pretty bad idea to stare at the sun.

  6. Alteen says:

    I grew up believing in the whole, “The moon is made out of cheese.” Disappointing finding out that it wasn’t though.

  7. Elle says:

    That’s a cute kid thing to do. I used to think, when driving in the car, that if we followed the lines on the road they’d lead us to treasure.

  8. Gobbledegook says:

    I remember once as a kid when we had a neighborhood-wide blackout in the middle of winter. The moon was so bright that night, however, that we were able to simply open all the drapes and see just fine. It was very pretty to see everything outside bathed in moonlight and snow.

  9. Imaginary says:

    When I was a kid, the only time I ever really got to see the moon was when we were driving at night.. Back then I didn’t know a lot of lore about the moon, so I made stuff up. A lot of times it looked like the moon had a face and depending on what it’s mood looked like, I would either try to cheer it up or ask about it’s night and what made it so good. Of course, all this banter went on in my head, who would I have been to interupt the deafening silence in the car by asking the moon questions or telling it funny stories?

  10. MOD says:

    the moon split into two identical orbs?!?!?! WOW!
    i wish cool stuff like that would happen for me lol
    all i got was a sky full of clouds that always moved faster than me no matter how fast i ran

  11. PlutoBum says:

    i wish i could do that…that’d be awesome

  12. JezMM says:

    I still believe the moon is made of cheese myself…

    I used to love the way the moon “followed” me too actually. Ever since I played video games it affected the way I look at the world too actually. In the early days of 3D, most backgrounds were simply 2D textures which would move at a slower pace just like real far away places. Nowadays when alone I sometimes amuse myself by looking at things in the distance that don’t change much as I walk in different directions and imagine them being flat and motionless in the same way.

  13. R.A. says:

    I’ve never been able to see the man in the moon. When I was a kid, I read this book in school about rabbits and the moon and they mentioned how you can see the rabbit in the moon if you tilt your head just so, and I’ve always been able to see that instead of the man. I loved that book, but it was so long ago that I have no idea what it was called.

    I don’t really remember thinking the moon followed me, or anything like that. Which is weird, because I was always into fairy tales and things like that as a child, so it makes sense that I would believe the moon was following me or something.

  14. Reg says:

    Lol, thanks to playing video games, I fell the same way as you JemZZ.

  15. the Scarf says:

    It was always fun on road trips looking out the window. The stuff really far away moved really slowly, and the trees up front went by fast!
    It’s also cool when you go by orchards…lines of trees, whipping by….really cool effect….

  16. Devi says:

    that is an adorable story!
    i don’t think i thought like that about the moon…although i used to love it when you could see a half a moon in the daytime. when it would get towards dusk, i’d look around to try and find it in the sky.

  17. unknowledge says:

    I remember imagining the moon crashing to earth and sucking up the ocean like a big sponge… now I realize that that’s crazy! the moon is way too small to suck up all that water we need to get mars or something…

  18. Garrett says:

    *looks outside*
    Wow, I THOUGHT the moon looked a bit different tonight!

  19. Bubble says:

    Haha! took me a while to get this one! *slaps self*

  20. Nikanaiko says:

    Yours was the moon? Mine was clouds. I was absolutely stunned by the way that the clouds never seemed to move much, aside from when the wind was blowing them.

  21. S. Allen says:

    I love the moon… wonderful to go walking when it’s snowed, and then cleared off… it’s so bright it’s amazing.

    And isn’t that rabbit in the moon thing part of Watership Down?

  22. Lockett says:

    Why the moon and not the sun? It’s the middle of the day.

  23. Jetman123 says:

    At first I was wondering what the hell was going on, then I realized Biff was changing the moon. Wait, wouldn’t it have to be night out for the moon to be overhead to change it? I see others have wondered the same thing before me. ah well, we can pass it off as “Biff so beleives in doing strange things that he can ignore the laws of reality at will”.

  24. trevor says:

    I always had the same thought, whenever I moved or crouched, it would stay in the same spot. I also thought the sun and the moon were the same thing.

  25. Energy efficient lights and a man who’s not so efficient all the time? That’s funny.

  26. Psymon says:

    @Jetman123: You can see the moon in the daytime; the moon simply needs to be above the horizon.
    @Lockett: Because energy-efficient bulbs don’t put out as much heat, and we don’t want a cold sun. (^_^)

  27. Shorty says:

    Did he just reach up into space?!!

  28. Torg says:

    @unknowledge: Actually at about 1/9 of Earth’s volume, the Moon could easily contain the oceans.
    @Shorty: Unlike you, he’s tall enough for that.
    @Jetman123: He just changed the Moon out for a fluorescent bulb, and you’re complaining that it’s the wrong time of day for that?

  29. biggo says:

    One night, my brother took me out in a field near home and gave me a mysterious device “to hear the astronauts on the Moon”. A needle in the center of the device could be moved up and down to “tune” to the transmission. I took the metal thing to my ear and yes, I heard spacey sounds and some muffled words as from a broken AM radio. I was 6. I was fascinated. This is possibly the strongest memory of my childhood.

    The “device” was actually a belt buckle, a simple rectangular frame with a needle; but I swear, I did hear the astronauts in the summer of 1969.

  30. DLow0012 says:

    Chris, your story was so cute. It reminds me of when I was little, and I was in the car coming home with my parents because they took me with them to work. When I got home, I remember saying something like, “Wow, the moon doesn’t have any legs to run with, but it still kept up with us the whole drive home!”

  31. Jenny Creed says:

    Dangit Biff, the old moon didn’t use ANY energy, a low energy bulb is clearly a step down.

    Beautiful surrealism, though.

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