#329 – Tonic

Lets see… I’ve had long hair, short hair, no hair. I’ve dyed it orange, green, red, blue, purple and yellow. I don’t think I managed to get a picture of the blue though. It was fun at the time but I think I’m past that phase now. My parents were always entertained when I came home with a different look every time.


0 thoughts on “#329 – Tonic”

  1. Clst says:

    Finally, my unfashionable eyebrows can be grew out into all the styles of the day, though it would take many many lifetimes to amass the fine brow of our man Biff.

  2. Forte says:

    Hah! I love it!

  3. Sam says:

    Ha ha. Why does Biff need hair tonic? I think the bald look is good on him…

    I’ve had a few different hairstyles myself. I look back though, and wonder what the hell I was thinking.

  4. SEA says:

    Ha, this is funny.
    Guess biff thought that it willl work on his head…not eyebrows.

  5. Sleepingorange says:

    This is one of your best visual puns to date. In fact, this one’s second only to the orange peeler in terms of visual hilarity.

  6. Ice says:

    Hehe! Nice one. Funnily enough I just came home from getting my hair cut 😛

  7. Ben says:

    Love it!
    Where can I get some? I wanna braid my eyebrows!

  8. Dr. Doom says:

    Hair tonic is the biggest joke, and only someone gullible would believe they work.

    That being said, I can easily see Biff buying it.

  9. Mr. Son says:

    “Hair tonic is the biggest joke, and only someone gullible would believe they work.”

    Actually, there are substances that have been proven to have a positive effect on hair growth when rubbed on the scalp. If I remember right, rosemary oil is one of them.

  10. Kanki-chan says:

    Lol, poor Biff. He was probably trying to regrow that afro he had back in 1974.

  11. Ben says:

    A fee more drops and he can jump rope!

  12. ratboy says:

    Heh. i always wanted to die my hair some funky color but i can’t ever find quite the one i want. Hey, Chris, can we get u to post some pics of ur funky hair colors?

  13. Sye216 says:

    Oh lawl! 😀

    Nice eyebrows, Biff. Maybe you can cut ’em, braid ’em, and sell ’em as rope. Profit!

  14. Kuroiten says:

    Eyebrows of DOOM!

    Apparently, those are the only follicles capable of producing hair on his head.

  15. Seraphine says:

    I’m not one to tell Biff what to do,
    heaven knows, but he should dye
    his eyebrows to match his shoes.

  16. Nijihime says:

    Well,at least he can braid `em now.:P

  17. Kamorth says:

    I like how the weight of the hair doesn’t pull them out of shape.

  18. Radical Edward says:

    I’ve dyed my hair all crazy colors, I’ve long hair when I was 12, short hair when I was 15, no hair when I was 18 (I shaved my head from the insanity of life before Britney Spears did it) and I’m near 20 with long hair in front and short hair in back. The back is coffee brown (a color similar to black coffee) and the front and bangs are cherry red.

  19. The amazing thing is that, with all that extra weight on them, his eyebrows still stick out from his head for a bit before drooping to the ground.

    I hadn’t done anything drastic to my hair for the first twenty-one years of my life aside from getting it cut now and again. But now, well, in the past three months it’s been about seven different colours. Yay for semi-permanent hair dye.

  20. Garrett says:

    If his eyebrows are strong enough to still stand up to all that weight, I’d hate to be smacked with them if he turns his head.

  21. Micah says:

    Why is his mustache so short?

  22. Endi says:

    I died laughing… My sprit will file a lawsuit I say!

  23. Ela says:

    Oooh…. well, at least he can cut that, right? Or has he lost his scissors in some Biff-ish incident?

  24. Sleepingorange says:

    Micah: That’s not a moustache, just a his mouth.

  25. RFPT says:

    I always thought it was a mustache…
    does his face have anime qualities?

  26. nikie says:

    mwah – i totally just bought my copy of the book. woot! 😀

  27. dragonbrad says:

    friend suggested that

  28. Kozo the Kid says:

    Biff. The Man with the Brow. Man, if he had’em like Millia Rage from Guilty Gear, he’d be the coolest one-panel web comic character ever

  29. Radical Edward says:

    I bought a hair tonic after I cut off all my hair at 18. I got my hair back about 5 months later.

  30. the Scarf says:

    I’m trying to grow my hair out a tad… I wish I could grow it faster JUST so I could cut it more often..I love messing with my hairstyle!

  31. snakeadelic says:

    I have curly shoulder-length off-black hair that is silvering up pretty fast. I can’t wait–when I have silver stripes in my hair, I’m running a temporary blue dye through it so I’ll have very black hair with shiny bright blue stripes! Since I live in the back of beyond it’s probably a good thing I don’t leave home much 😉

  32. Elkian says:

    It’s a rub, not splash.

  33. Pom Rania says:

    He actually wouldn’t be able to braid them; you need three strands for a braid. *is an obsessive-compulsive braider with long hair*

  34. the_gail says:

    My mom keeps thinking I’ve grown out of the weird hair colors, then I go and dye my hair purple for a year, actually I think at this point the family has just given up on me and my ever changing hair.

  35. Alice Love says:

    My current style is bleached white spiked hair with red contacts 🙂

  36. Dzelda says:

    Okay, now his eyebrows are just too long.

  37. Ansrit says:

    My face isn’t very favorable to the more exotic styles of hair, else, I’d grow it long, dye it blue, or bleach it (or parts of it), or do all sorts of weird stuff with it…

  38. BrainpanSonata says:

    My brother dyed his hair green once… then he went swimming and the chlorine turned it from pea green to pee yellow.

  39. Steve says:

    Did he honestly think he needed it?

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