#325 – Pool

When I was growing up our next door neighbors had an in ground pool. We didn’t really know them at all so I never got to go in it. Then later after all the kids had moved out they filled it in stopped using that part of their yard. They eventually split the property and sold off that half. Now there’s a house there. There’s a lot of that in this town now. Many side yards or back yards that didn’t seem large enough to hold a house now have one. And the new house is usually twice the size of the one next to it. There are a few places where someone bought 2 houses, knocked them both down and built a new big house in the center of the 2 old plots. That would actually be kind of cool if I could do that with my current house and the one next to it.


0 thoughts on “#325 – Pool”

  1. Sleepingorange says:

    Meh, this one doesn;t really blow my skirt up. Not bad, but not Biff-riffic, like so many of yours.

  2. Jfan says:

    This is my first time posting sooo congrats on these amazing comics

  3. Brett says:

    Hehe, silly Biff!!

    Well, I think it’s still a great comic! Keep up the good work, Chris!

  4. Lucretiel says:

    heheh… draped eyebrows… heehee

  5. Toshmate! says:

    haha, i actually like this one alot.. the last one i personally think is the best drawn biff on here, unless i am forgetting one or two. I saw your guest comic on Station V3, i was looking at it and thought ‘waaiiiiit i know this drawing style and humor’ alas i looked down and it had ‘thebookofbiff.com’ under it. i love station v3, so it’s good to see my fav bookmark enjoys it too.

  6. Bunnyman says:

    One would assume that with all Biff’s strange gadgets, he’d have one to turn cement into water…

  7. Micah says:

    I’d assume after all he’s done, he wouldn’t have any immediate neighbors. Nice comic!

  8. thewho says:

    Knowing Biff he will probably get up and walk away…

  9. Sam says:

    I love how his eye brows look like they’ve just given up.

  10. SEA says:

    Haha…he must be thinking about how to jump in, and not if there was any water in it..

  11. Green says:

    Just wait until you have to spend one night in the house built on top of your neighbor’s old cemetery plot…

  12. Kanki-chan says:

    to Green: ugh, that’d be creepy. I’d probably still be able to spend the night there, it just would give me the creeps if I thought about it. The comic itself was okay…not the funniest, but still made me laugh.

  13. Pride says:

    Face planted.

  14. Toto says:

    I am can see him getting up afterwards and walking off in search of a pool. Weird.

  15. Bullet Fiend says:


  16. dragonbrad says:

    i think hes dead

  17. Kamorth says:

    It would take a lot more than a head dive onto concrete to kill the Biff.

  18. Yurgenst says:

    His neighbors will come out the next day and see an imprint of his face on the cement.

  19. pieman says:

    i can just imagine one of biffs spare heads getting arrested for murdering biff

  20. pieman says:

    message to SEA: i doubt he thinks.

  21. Haragorn says:

    So his neighbors have a ton of money?
    If they needed a large pool to hold it, unlike Biff’s inflatable…

  22. Radical Edward says:

    I hate how halfway through something, I realize a consequences of prior actions.

    I like pools, but I am in no mood to go swimming. I have the flu and I feel awful.

  23. KayRis says:

    So what’s with these people and filling pools with cement? At least there’s no money in the pool this time.

  24. the beasley says:

    i thought that he got run over by something when it first loaded until i scrolled down and saw what had happened

  25. Amake says:

    Cement is Biff’s only weakness. :O

  26. Ansrit says:

    In this neighborhood, one of the residents bought half a plot of land in addition to a regular plot to build a larger house, the next-door one did that too using the half-plot remaining.

  27. SurveySays says:

    the neighbors did that on purpose.

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