#310 – Bubbles

I used to get in trouble for blowing bubbles in my milk. I always tried to see how high I could get them to go without overflowing onto the table. Inevitably though they would always spill over.

Thanks to everyone that entered the Biff doodle donation drive. The winner will be contacted by email later tonight!


0 thoughts on “#310 – Bubbles”

  1. Roanthehero says:

    Ah Biff, you never cease to baffle me.

    When I was younger I hated milk….i liked juice myself.

  2. Rynon says:

    how is the little yellow cup still in one piece and in the same place? Did Biff come up with some sort of enhanced-gravity plastic cup?

  3. Micah says:

    I always used to blow bubbles in my milk with straws. It was the best.

  4. Bunnyman says:

    I did the same thing, but every time, I’d wind up doing something that made me blow to hard (usually sneezing) and the milk ended up everywhere except where it was supposed to go…

  5. Heinrich says:

    awesome… i wanna try that… 🙂

  6. RFPT says:

    is that CO2? if it is, then he could have frozen the milk. that would be cool.

  7. Elle says:

    I used to try and put the straw inside a milk bubble so that I could make THE BIGGEST MILK BUBBLE IN THE WORLD. Always popped too soon though. Le sigh.

  8. Nijihime says:

    That suck,Elle.;-;

    I prefer chocolate milk myself.I haven`t done that in a while,though.We have no straws in this house.

  9. Supernaut says:

    I am the bubble master but I never thought of that. Usally straws work fine for me but mabye it is time to knock it up a knotch…Hmmmm.

  10. Gobbledegook says:

    I did this like, every other day in elementary school. It’s usually what would start a food fight once the bubbles got on someone else by accident.

  11. dragonbrad says:

    if you have seen what surviver man does, its crazy, he mixes chemicals withe rihno dung, and it sets on fire. : that was a gross face by the by , milk rocks, doese anyone know what powdered milk taste like

  12. Chuck says:

    Milk grossed me out. Bubbles made it worse.

  13. Sye216 says:

    I don’t drink MILK, but I do drink soy milk. And it’s probably better for blowing bubbles than real milk. I can always get it right up to the brim, then pop them with the straw and do that over and over again.

    I’m another bubble blowing master. 😀

  14. Christopher says:

    This comic blows!


  15. Jesso says:

    This one made me laugh harder than anything else. There’s just something about the look on his face, I can just see the wheels slowly starting to turn in his head. I love this one.

  16. The UnDisbeliever says:

    Yes, CO2 fire extuingushers are great for freezing cane toads (for golf), Beer (for drinkng) and shaving cream (for my shaving cream gun). Expensive, but well worth it.
    As Biff found out, they are NOT good for blowing bubbles or (in my opinon) freezing flowers.

    Also, on the topic of fire extuingushers, I wish to make the collowing “biff-like” comment;

    The UnDisbeliever realises that opening up a 9L foam fire extuingusher and replacing the water with punch is great for parties, but not for fires.

    (2006 Fire Service X-Mas Party)

  17. Radical Edward says:

    I love blowing bubbles in milk. My iPod has been acting weird and I have to send it to the store to be fixed.

    Besides, I like watching bubbles collapse after I blow them up.

  18. Radical Edward says:

    Also, I recently used a fire extinguisher to put out a stove fire (NEVER leave bread near a burner andor turn on the wrong burner), but the result I got was purple powder that irritated my respiratory system.

  19. Nicolai21 says:

    lol this one time my parents and me and my girl went out to a resturant and for some reason my dad (he’s in his mid 40’s) starts blowing bubbles in his drink(chocolate milk) we laughed so hard that people were staring. I told em I cant take them anywhere.

  20. Bari says:

    Heehee, I loved blowing bubbles in my milk when I was little. I still do too. That’s how I usually mix my chocolate milk, it’s so fun!

    And I agree with Jesso, his expression is priceless. The sudden realization that maybe that didn’t work as planned…

  21. Mike says:

    That reminds me of the time that I was drinking a can of soda and I wanted to blow bubbles in it… the only problem was that I used an air hose in our shop (~60psi iirc) and soda got EVERYWHERE. It took me like an hour to clean up.

    It sucked.

  22. Random Girl! says:

    My grandmother once sent us cereal bowls with built-in straws because she was horrified at us dumping the leftover milk into the sink when we finished our cereal.

    Of course we immediately saw the potential and breakfast became a contest to see who could make the biggest pile of bubbles. My mum soon outlawed bubble-blowing, which meant we could only do it when she left the room, but the milk puddles on the table probably clued her in. Those bowls mysteriously vanished years ago…

  23. Tech says:

    the cold carbon dioxide would have turned that glass of milk into ice cream anyways.

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