#195 – Skip

Skipping stones on the water is a lot of fun. My friends and I had a few competitions, distance, number of skips and the largest object that you got to skip. It’s a magical thing when you hit that right combination of speed, angle and spin and you get 30-40 skips out of it.


0 thoughts on “#195 – Skip”

  1. GG Crono says:

    Man, I wanna try this. 😀

  2. Corey says:

    I can never get it to spin much…heheh, great commentary on portable devices and tech these days. Seems like even my cell phone is outdated and I just got it. *sigh*

  3. Seto Kaiba says:

    YAY! First comment. It’s so true. I’m surprised he doesn’t go up once a week to do that. What’s the record so farthest one so far?

  4. T.S. says:

    He probably does it once a year so that he doesn’t have to buy all that stuff new… he can buy them once they’re out of date… Oh… wait… maybe he could do it once a week, anyway…

  5. Blargen-Vargen says:

    Somewhere at the bottom of a lake there are thousands of iPods…

  6. Otacon says:

    Man now I feel out of date I dont even have a cell phone or an IPod… this sucks.
    great comic 😛

  7. Elli says:

    I don’t have an iPod. I have a CREATIVE Zen Nano. The battery lid broke, so I have to tape it shut. *sigh* Maybe “Microsoft Works” really IS an oxymoron. D:

    Great comic, BTW. ^^

  8. Wiggle says:

    Actually, I have no cell phone because I dropped it into water ages ago. 😛

  9. Khass says:

    Uhm … doesn’t the iPod (dunno about others), you know, float? 😐

    And how can you make a rock skip 30-40 times?! I can barely make 10.

  10. Hunter says:


    The funny thing is how hard striking this cartoon is. It’s practically a political cartoon. It’s funny, yet strangely true.

  11. geeklord says:

    Now I finally know what to do with all the out of date junk I’ve got.
    I bet I could get a floppy disk to skip pretty far. As for my old computer…

  12. Madness says:

    If only weekdays, I think Biff could turn into a newspaper comic, but Chris might asplode doing that.

    This comic is so true, you get a new item, then BOOM, then new and improved one appears in a couple days.

  13. Tinned Moron says:

    What us this ‘I pod’ of which you speak?

    Acursed stones, all I could get ’em to do was go plop.

  14. Trae says:

    All of this money spent on creating new devices in one form or another. Why don’t they invent a new way to make sure the battery lid stays on? My family has remotes for three TVs, 1 VCR, 2 DVD players, 3 cable boxes, etc. etc. None of them have a battery cover.

  15. It’s not often that a comic, let alone a one strip comic literally makes me laugh out loud without thinking too much.

    Thank you so very much. I needed that. 🙂

  16. dragonbrad says:

    I have a cell phone that is okay, but my brothers cell phone is way better, i dont have an i Ipod ,but i have a masively mini media player ,i saw it once when i was buying a Christmas preasant, yeah technology outdates fast,realy fast, hey my phone is now outdate.

  17. Chris says:

    Thanks Homicidal Orange 🙂

  18. dragonbrad says:

    maybe biff should be in solitary confinment, he needs it. Why is he mad, that expression on his face is wierd he is mad, ithink he would be happy to throw away outdated things( especially since he is minimising his chance of getting an infestation of desingner Ipod,g.p.s.,and cell phone bugs) love the comics 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  19. dragonbrad says:

    biff gets a steam-roller to pet his cat,i am just saying that because when i got my cat i always sat on her by accident
    ( pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor jaaassmine

  20. LordRetard says:

    Skipping stones is hard. I can’t do it. I went to a river with a bunch of friends and all of them could throw better than me and skip better than me. The only thing that they could not do better than me was shot-put a rock, ’cause that requires little more than brute force. We did a lot of stupid things, like find pieces of discarded pottery and try to break it by throwing rocks at it, and build bridges out of logs (this never went well). It was an amazing time. They were all much thinner and physically fitter, so everything was much easier for them ‘cept for lifting heavy things.

  21. Yukamara says:

    Meh… I have an Ipod and a free cellphone. But those cheap cellphones LAST. I dropped it in a pond, went back the next day go get it, and after I dried it out, it worked fine. XD

  22. Mike *last name will not be given* says:

    Water + electronics = bad. I once got a waterproof container for my phone, but I forgot to close it when it rained this one time…

  23. Miranda says:

    This is absolute blasphemy. Who would even contemplate dropping an iPod in water, let alone skipping it! Although, I’m guilty of dropping mine in a lake. It told me it couldn’t connect to firewire.

  24. APic says:

    Nothing captures the technology of today better than this exact strip.

  25. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    I can see this happenning. The most skips I ever got with a stone was 17.

  26. Miranda says:

    Wow 2 Miranda’s on the site commenting. I love the Action Biff pose here. If there was ever an action figure for Biff, this one would be a great candidate.

  27. Hoboapple says:

    Why doesn’t he just sell them on eBay?

  28. Ben says:

    I once made a rock abit bigger than a brick skip. I won a bet doing it, but it wasn’t worth how much pain it caused my shoulder.

  29. the Scarf says:

    I can only get 4-5 skips out of a stone…I haven’t done it in awhile…

    I really like the art in this for some reason. The perspective…or…like…I dunno..>It just looks really good…

  30. Elkian says:

    My GBA battery back finally falls off on its own…and rubber banding hurts how you see the screen, I’ll bet.

  31. Keorode says:

    I’m thinking Biff dove in for his iPod in the Grand Canyon strip. And then decided to toss it across the water. =D

  32. Tom the New Age Pirate says:

    i remember i once managed to get a paving slab to do two skips. i was both astonished and immensly chuffed

  33. Fang says:

    This is probably the only sensible thing Biff has ever done.

  34. Signum says:

    My mom once managed to get a rock to skip about 5 times, skid across the water like a motor boat for about 10-15 feet, and then bounce about 3 more times before sinking

  35. lovelydarkness333 says:

    All of these need to be made into a 356 day calendar because this Brevity one is HORRIBLE! my sister got it for me cuz the clerk said it was similar to Far Side. NO it is NOT. It is horrible!

  36. Bytemeister says:

    This is an awsome comic! I’m really good at skipping rocks and its amazing the stuff you can get to skip. I once skipped a rock about the size of my head, and roughly the same shape as Biff’s when he laminated it… The razor thin shape of all the electronic these days would make them great for skipping. My tip for skipping, use roughly triangular rocks, get lots of spin on them and get as low to the water as possible. Also, I think my dad’s garmin would skip best, its has a good weight and thickness for its surface area.

  37. Soltueur says:

    Hehehe, I’d like to try that.

    Fun fact: as i looked at this one, all the ads on the page were for iPods, lol.

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