#1841 – Dusty
Posted on August 8, 2013 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comics
I get a bad reaction to dust. Whenever I’m gonna move a bunch of stuff around in the basement or attic I have to make sure to wear a dust mask. When I’m done I also have to take a shower and change clothes. Seems extreme but it’s much better than my old method of having to curl up in agony for a few hours.
Tags: allergies, moon, superman
Just build an entire quarantine zone in your house. Constantly dust in that room and keep masks hung up all over the house. THE DUST WILL NEVER AFFECT YOU EVER AGAIN.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it would seem that a certain comic artist finally watched Oblivion. Hehehe
There was a similar lunar disaster in the recent version of The Time Machine.
I wonder if it would have been better or worse if it had snowed Kryptonite dust on our moon.
The interesting thing about moon dust is it’s actually SHARP, unlike earth dust, because there isn’t any erosion on the moon. If a normal human breathes in moon dust, it tears up their lungs. This, I learned from Portal 2.
So moon dust gets into spacesuits and is sharp? I guess a swarm, eh, storm of that stuff might turn someone into a skeleton… Armstrong’s two shadows just got even more interesting.
Why is it that I can’t see the new comics until at least a half week after they’re uploaded? GAAAH!
I’m not sensitive to dust (or anything similar) at all. Only band-aids and the kind of tape you can use for bandages, but that’s a completely different thing.
What does this have to do with Biff?