#1792 – Crusty
Posted on May 13, 2013 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comics
You may need to fight a few other ducks or the occasional goose but it’s worth it. Where else are you going to get bread after the gas station burned down. These park people must have stocked up.
Tags: bread, duck, pond, sandwich
I like the goofy expression on the duck’s face!
It’s a Daffy look on a duck, a Goofy look would be on a dog.
A schoolboy error my friend.
Ain’t no room in my pond for no fishy-lookin’ duck like that. This bread’s mine, hear?
If Biff really wanted bread, he’d have a sad, hungry-looking duck. I know that I, for one, would never give bread to a duck that looks content. Happy, even.
Bread + Goose = A Honkin’ Good Sandwich
“Duck season”
“Biff season”
“Duck season”
“Biff season”…