#1693 – Critical
Posted on December 14, 2012 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comics
How did she survive a fall from that height? How many bullets does that gun hold? How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? The world may never know.
Tags: explosions, movies, plot holes
How did Biff survive removing a big slice/piece of his own head?
He doesn’t remember.
Who doesn’t remember what, and what am I doing here?
That response made me laugh out loud!
Why remove your critical thinking module when you can just clog it up with beer?
A friend and I recently discussed (after seeing Prometheus) creating a rating system that specified how many beers you should drink with each movie. Surprisingly, we found it didn’t necessarily correlate with how good the movie was, just with how clear-headed (or inebriated) you would need to be in order to appreciate the movie.
Why didn’t Gandalf have the Eagles fly them to the Lonely Mountain? Come on Eagles. Lazy, stupid Eagles.
Because Nazguls, wyrms, and arrows. Also Sauron has eye-lasers.
Oh, come on! They made some great Rock and Roll!
Something about Sauron being able to control wind, I think.
It’s been a while since I’ve read the books, but wasn’t it a case of resource management? He could only call so many times, and didn’t want to be short one when it was Critical to do so.
I prrefer to keep it in. That way when something makes no sense, I get a good laugh XD
Methinks someone drew this after seeing The Hobbit.
My most recent example of this is Battleship.
Giant Spacecapable ships jumping around like dolphins? OH PLEEAASSEEE.
Also, limited firing arc. Which pan-solar, aggressive race would install such a shit and survive first contact?!
i leave it in, and activate my MST3K subroutines.
In regards to the tootsie pop, 3875-3942
This is why I dislike most films and television programs. I can’t stop thinking and analyzing everything.
All the block busters are out of business, my freinds dad bought half the movies in one though.