#1658 – Tasting
Posted on October 25, 2012 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comics
Apart from mosquitoes, I rarely ever see a bug bite me. It’s just a mysterious itchy red spot that I notice at some point in the future. Maybe none of them are bug bites. Maybe I have the mysterious itchy red spot syndrome that they are about to make an infomercial about.
Tags: bite, bugs, spider
I have never seen a bug biting me, ever, and I have only had maybe two or three (possible) bug bites in my entire life. I guess that’s a good thing, because I don’t like insects at all, unless they’re called Genesect or Scyther or what have you. (But they can’t bite me)
Mysterious itchy red spot? You should get checked for the Herpes
On my arm?
There’s a joke here about rubbing elbows with the elite, and STI testing, but I’m not good at jokes.
Oh, yeah. They’re bug bites, sure enough. But they are coming from inside!
My skin is crawling all over because of this comic. Well done Chris (I guess?…)
There has been an unnaturally high amount of blood here lately. Have you suddenly turned into a hematophage?
…, ow, poor biff