#1649 – Calcified
Posted on October 12, 2012 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comics
“Is that a bone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Oh wait… oh no… there are bones everywhere! Why can I see all of your bones?”
“You are an X-ray technician.”
“Oh right. Sorry about that. Lovely bones you have here. Top notch. Great job growing them. Must have taken a long time.”
Tags: bones, skeleton, work
Skeletons are cool! I collect animal skulls! (they’re not from animals that are on the verge of extinction or vulnerable)
I have nine skulls (from eight different kinds of animals) as of now, plus some teeth (moose and boar), a pair of goat horns and the lower jaw from a fox kit.
Am I creepy because of this?
Yes, but also pretty interesting.
Let’s hope they don’t use you as archery target practice.
Very handy if you need to make soup stock.
Well, he’s…
Y’know what? Not gonna go there….
Hm. The tone of the below-comic text sounds to me like one of the AU Cave Johnsons.
At first I thought Biff had pulled, pushed, or twisted the wrong lever or knob on the chair of doom.