#1649 – Calcified

“Is that a bone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Oh wait… oh no… there are bones everywhere! Why can I see all of your bones?”

“You are an X-ray technician.”

“Oh right. Sorry about that. Lovely bones you have here. Top notch. Great job growing them. Must have taken a long time.”

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7 thoughts on “#1649 – Calcified”

  1. Skeletons are cool! I collect animal skulls! (they’re not from animals that are on the verge of extinction or vulnerable)

    I have nine skulls (from eight different kinds of animals) as of now, plus some teeth (moose and boar), a pair of goat horns and the lower jaw from a fox kit.

    Am I creepy because of this?

    1. Anon_omis says:

      Yes, but also pretty interesting.

  2. Cyndaquazy says:

    Let’s hope they don’t use you as archery target practice.

  3. kingklash says:

    Very handy if you need to make soup stock.

  4. reynard61 says:

    Well, he’s…

    Y’know what? Not gonna go there….

  5. Xindaris says:

    Hm. The tone of the below-comic text sounds to me like one of the AU Cave Johnsons.

  6. Flargon says:

    At first I thought Biff had pulled, pushed, or twisted the wrong lever or knob on the chair of doom.

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