#1530 – Candled

I’ve watched some fancy cake shows on TV and the part that always freaks me out is when they have to transport it to a second location. It seems like nobody has come up with a better system other than setting it down on the floor in the back of a van. I guess it’s good that the actual creators are delivering them. For some reason I imagined it would be more like the cakes people get from the grocery store. But I guess they would show up to the fancy cake shop and suddenly realize it won’t even fit in their little hatch back.

Also, check out this guest comic I did for my friends at Unshelved!

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8 thoughts on “#1530 – Candled”

  1. Wow… I guess the people who used to live about a half kilometer away from here got a *huge* birthday cake (and someone had lit the candles!) with the mail a little bit less than a week ago, as that apartment house got burnt down to the ground in a huge fire! …But luckily nobody died!

    Have I got a cruel sense of humor?

  2. ZeoViolet says:

    Ffft….send ANYTHING through the mail and it’ll come back folded, spindled, and mutilated. Especially if it is your jury duty summons response (ripped to shreds).

  3. Radical Edward says:

    ZeoViolet, I never needed to do jury duty on account of my mental disabilities.

    Getting back to the subject at hand, I could NEVER afford a cake with my salary. It would take me 4 months to acquire enough money for a fancy cake like that. But then again, I believe that cakes are for eating!

    1. kingklash says:

      Well, only about 40% of those cakes are cake, at best. The rest is a mix of Home Depot/Radio Shack spackled with fondant.

      1. ZeoViolet says:

        Regardless, failure to respond is a contempt of court charge. DX

        1. pbarnrob says:

          I take it you showed-up with it in your hot little hand (or a sack of the bits), ready to do the civic duty, right?

          I just finished a four-weeks civil case (they claim the _average_ is five to seven days) in downtown LA; thanks to Metro for the new trains, Gold Line and Red Line! Though cutting a subway through the La Brea Tar Pits doesn’t seem like the brightest thing to do…

          1. ZeoViolet says:

            I discovered that it was possible now to do it online. Saved my day.

  4. Sheherazahde says:

    Shouldn’t the caption say “birthday cake” not “birthday gift”?
    Who puts candles on a gift?

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