#1526 – Platter

I remember when CDs were taking over and it was clear that vinyl would quickly die out. Apparently that was wrong. It held on and made a comeback. Now it is clear that CDs are quickly on the way out. I wonder how many people still actually play their vinyl or if they just collect it.

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19 thoughts on “#1526 – Platter”

  1. Arjan says:

    in my hometown (in the Netherlands) vinyl sales have been on the rise again since a year or two. I have about 20 lps or so from my parents and like to play them now and then. There’s a great store which sells new and second (or third etc) hand lp’s for a decent price.
    But I’m sure there are plenty who just keep them as collectors items.

  2. I bought an LP on Tradera (the Swedish Ebay) about a year ago, but it was partly because that album would have been really expensive to buy as a CD, as this was by a band that almost nobody knows of, and the CDs by this band are imported from another country when you order them.

    Also, mom bought an LP by her favourite band recently, but this was more as a collector’s item, as this was a brand new album, and the LPs came in pretty colors (the one she got was white with purple spots).

  3. il biggo says:

    I have a picture somewhere, where I’m eating a blue vinyl disc. It was taken in 1986. Get out of my past, Chris. .-D

  4. kingklash says:

    Still have a lot of my parent’s vinyl. Gotta find a turntable for ’em. I got a hankering for Ike and Tina.

  5. rexxar says:

    Old 78’s were made of shellac, which actually is edible. IIRC, it’s the outside shell of skittles and m&m’s.
    Shellac is also made of crushed up beetles, making those candies non-vegan.

  6. Radical Edward says:

    Why does this remind me of the episode where Bart takes Grandpa Simpson’s dentures and takes chunks of vinyl records out of the disc and spits them out? I laugh at this sort of thing all the time!

  7. wigsternm says:

    I was given a turntable for Christmas, and I practically haven’t stopped using it since. I’ve always loved those old crooners like Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole, and being able to get $2-$5 records from Half Price Books has really been great in introducing me to new old artists.

  8. Justin says:

    I once worked at a computer repair shop that also did electronics recycling. We once had someone drop of a record player that seemed to be in good condition, so the next day a co-worker of mine brought in one of his album’s and we listened to The Who all day (Who’s Next, I believe).

    1. Chris says:

      Awesome. 🙂

  9. Kitsune Dzelda says:

    Fiddler on the Roof. If it wasnt for vinyl, I wouldnt know as much about Judaism than I do now 🙂 Gotta love those old time songs -w-

  10. Jon says:

    Based on total speculation, I would imagine that CDs will still be around for quite awhile since it is quite easy to take songs off of them and transfer them to a computer and/or MP3 player while still having a hard copy of the album on hand, if needed (That’s what I do, at least; there’s something about having that authentic disc on hand if something happens to my MP3 player/computer that makes me feel more secure).

    Portable CD players, on the other hand, have pretty gone the way of the dodo.

    1. Arjan says:

      I drag a mp3-cd player around now and then (about 10 years old) and people really got WTF is that! when I pull it out of my jacket.

  11. S. Aquila says:

    Biff has great taste in music. 🙂

  12. reynard61 says:

    The CD may indeed go the way of the 78 and the 8-track, but I doubt that it’ll be the 33/LP album that does it in. My guess is that eventually the record companies (assuming that there are any left) will start putting music on pre-recorded SD chips that start with a sample of, say, 20 songs; and then you subscribe on a per-song basis to fill it up via either Wi-Fi or your cellphone.

    1. Chris says:

      No, CDs aren’t being don in by vinyl, they are being done in by downloaded and streaming music. I doubt there will ever be another mainstream physical media format for music.

  13. pbarnrob says:

    I’m still hoping to someday find a huge deal (well under the $1K or so, last I heard) on a laser player for a Licorice Pizza; it reflects off the grooves at right angles (left and right), and thus there’s no physical contact (well, on the playing side). Of course, the optical head has to fly over the groove, and accommodate runout and warps.

    Meanwhile, I need to dig my way back to the closet where the wife’s Pepsi-crate of LPs is stashed; she wants to play them by the end of the month.

    BTW, anybody have a player for 8″ floppies? 128KB one-sided, CP/M?

  14. spidercow says:

    biff has some strange eating disorders.

  15. URFACEBURN says:

    I prefer the sound quality of a vinyl over everything else but I’m not allowed to touch the player.

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