#1513 – Tubed

I had hamsters and gerbils when I was a kid. The hamsters were a lot more entertaining because I could take them out of their tank and actually play with them. The gerbils felt more like prisoners. They spant all of their waking moments trying to figure out how to escape. Eventually they would all succeed.

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8 thoughts on “#1513 – Tubed”

  1. Sven says:

    That car is huge!

    1. guest says:

      it needs room for the hamsters dance floor inside.

  2. The only animals I’ve had that lived in cages were a budgie and a rabbit. I don’t remember much about the budgie, as I was only 5 or 6 years old when we had it, and it died after only a year or so.

    I thought it was really fun to have a rabbit when we first got him, but as he grew older he also got less agile and couldn’t get out of his cage anymore (maybe he was a bit overweight?), and during the last months of his life, his front legs got paralyzed in some way, pointing straight outwards. He could still move though, by scuttling around using his hind legs.

  3. kingklash says:

    The real failure was the prototype hybrid Hamster/Snake car. Mainly because the byproduct were hybrid hamster-snakes.

  4. jammit says:

    I got one of those with a ferret overdrive.

  5. Chuck says:

    Uhh aren’t you supposed to let gerbils out to run around for a couple hours? That’s what we do with our rabbits.

    1. Chris says:

      No, gerbils are like mice. You must be thinking of some other medium sized pet.

      1. Chuck says:

        You are correct, sir! I was thinking of Guinea pigs. I apologize.

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