#1495 – Corner

It’s sometimes weird how things can seemingly vanish into thin air. I once offered someone my last stick of gum. I dropped it and it vanished. We looked all over but had to give up because I was leaving for the airport. Hours later while on the plane I leaned forward to get something out from under the seat in front of me and there was the gum. Sticking straight up out of the cuff of my jeans.

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15 thoughts on “#1495 – Corner”

  1. Kyle says:

    Those games had great music. Awesome reference. 🙂

  2. A couple of weeks ago, one of my Fimo clay figures fell on the floor all by itself, and one of its horns broke in half. It took over an hour of crawling on the floor to find it, and when mom found it for me, it was in a place that seemed impossible (there were things “blocking” this area). Oh, and the horn was the same grey color as the floor! It was SO much fun trying to find it!

  3. Voyager says:

    I did that with my keys once. Though at the time I though I had dropped them down the elevator shaft.

  4. kingklash says:

    My sister-in-law never had to worry about lost jigsaw pieces. I one were missing, all she’d have to do was check her cat’s hiding places. Always worked.

  5. balloonpoper says:

    Always disappearing on me.

    1. Andrew says:

      Heh, me too.

  6. Baughbe says:

    We lost one of my brother for like, three months. We finally found him behind the couch when we were looking for the TV remote. Turns out he had it.

  7. Xindaris says:

    ..Hm. I feel like I should know what game this is referencing, but I can’t seem to remember. Hints, anyone?

    1. Chris says:

      I have no idea either! I thought it was about puzzles.

      1. Kyle says:

        Heh…that’s funny. Considering the hedgehog comic, I figured you were referencing Jiggies from the Banjo Kazooie series.

        1. Chris says:

          Now you are just making up words!

    2. balloonpoper says:


  8. jammit says:

    This is why I always close the lid on the toilet seat. If the seat is up, anything I drop seems to find its way in the toilet. I don’t have to be near the toilet, the bathroom, or even in the same state. When I drop anything I check the toilet first.

  9. Madeleine says:

    The corner pieces are always the first ones we’re looking for when starting a new jigsaw puzzle. If one of those were missing, we’d already know the puzzle in incomplete and not worth it!

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