#143 – Unicycle


37 thoughts on “#143 – Unicycle”

  1. prometheus says:

    It happens.

  2. Gwen_Goth says:

    who needs to learn???

    just BE.
    thats my excuse anyway….. o___0

  3. hunter says:

    laughed out load on this one, had to show everyone in the room…

  4. Chris says:

    hunter – that’s great!

  5. LordRetard says:

    I have trouble riding a *regular* bike… You know how they say that you never forget how to ride a bicycle? False!

  6. prometheus says:

    you laughed out load? Sounds like you laughed so hard you crapped…

  7. calan ree says:

    haha prometheus, i was thinking the same thing.

    LordRetard, i was just arguing this point the other day. I haven’t been on a bicycle in about a million years and was saying i really think i would break my neck if i tried to ride one now. My friend was giving me the ole, “You never forget” line. I knew that was bullcrap! 😛

  8. J says:

    well see that there’s what we call a thought terminating cliche. it really is amazing how many of them you run into during day to day conversations once you know how to spot them.

  9. TKort says:

    Also, this may be the beginning of an answer to the “what does Biff do for a living” question.. yes, talking to myself now hehe

  10. lilwhytwch says:

    hehe I laughed out loud myself on this one. It reminded me of a guy I knew who was so proud of himself that he could ride a unicycle and then face planted when he hit a pot hole. cruel to laugh but funny as hell.

  11. Gravity says:

    its really amazing how the wheel of his unicycle is almost exactly the size of the hole in the storm drain… its like the time i learned that parked cars dont move out of your way even if you go faster on your bike.

  12. Daniel says:

    ouch, i do that a lot, short of the numerous bad jokes about missing a wheel, this is probably the second most painful.

  13. Greywolf says:

    …AND a keyboard! *L*

  14. Corky says:

    It’s about time Biff’s city started taking preventive measures and learned the joy of meshed grating… I’ve always hated stepping on grates, always afraid I’ll trip or snag a heel in it… But unicycle wheels have fortunately not even been a problem for me. 😛

  15. zantarath says:

    Smashidie pain.

  16. Ben says:

    Unicycles scare me, i just simply don’t have the balance for it. chris do you use them?

  17. monoXcide says:

    This has to be one of my absolute favorite Biffs

  18. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    I saw that happen on a regular bike once. Laughed my ass off.

  19. Brett says:

    I’m sorry, did you ever get it reattached again?

  20. DemonRex says:

    Ooh. I bet his nose is flat now.

  21. Hoboapple says:

    That will be a surprise for the sewer company.

  22. unfunk says:

    wow… I used to be a bicycle courier, and I’ve heard tale of similar things happening to my colleagues..
    In fact, it happened to me once, only with tram tracks… :S

  23. chris THE AUSSIE! says:

    that explaineds why clowns are hard to find…

  24. Barret says:

    I can ride a unicycle and this has happened to me minus the face plant. Really, it’s easy to just get your feet under you. There isn’t much unicycle falling, just forced dismounts.

  25. harukofan says:

    now comes the twitching…

  26. Chris II says:

    This site needs a slogan to go on that blue bar at the top of my screen, and I think it should be “The Book of Biff: Inspiring stupidity since (insert year here)”

  27. Envi says:

    ouch, i did that once on my brand new bike, wound up with a broken wrist and bent front tire X_X

    once again i LOL. awsome comic!

  28. Lunatika says:

    *hugs LordRetard* I tho I was the only one

  29. LadyLuck1337 says:

    I laughed so hard at this one because last summer a friend of mine was practicing his unicycling in an empty parking lot and this was the outcome. I just dropped all my juggling pins and ran to see if he was okay. Of course, when I found out he was fine, I laughed myself into oblivion.

  30. diesel says:

    omg, this is so classic!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Shadow says:

    I think that the biggest danger of learning to be a clown is that at least 50% of people hate them and that in it’s self is a safety hazard.

  32. Note toSelf says:

    is it just me or does that ad ALWAYS apear on the bicycle related comics?

  33. Zero says:

    This reminds me of that old Paperboy videogame for the NES.

  34. Pyro says:

    that reminds me, the other day when I went to chain my bike up at the university there was a unicycle chained up next to mine. Never did see who rode it though.

  35. Pix says:

    Does he ever go to the hospital?

  36. Antsan says:

    I’d say he’s successfull.

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