#1339 – Full

I make a lot of jokes about wanting people to email food to me. It would be much harder to eat well if that sort of thing were possible. My main technique to avoid junk food is to just not bring it in the house. General inertia prevents me from leaving the house for a single bag of Peanut M&M’s. Hold on… I have to go and check if I have any of those in the pantry.

Today’s Maximumble reads the news.

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9 thoughts on “#1339 – Full”

  1. mysteryman203 says:

    0.0 at first i thought biff got pregnant

  2. Sven says:

    But doesn’t that mean you don’t taste it either? Then what’s the point of eating pizza? 😛

  3. Maskman says:

    Seriously, if I couldn’t taste my food, I’d whither away to nothing.

  4. Jackson says:

    I, too, was expecting a Wizard Pregnancy Joke. The wizards have been so hostile all week! But it is good to see that they also provide valuable services for hungry people on the go.

  5. Wizard says:

    Okay, nice to know the pregnancy thing wasn’t just me. This is actually a lot less disturbing than the theories I came up with after seeing the preview at Maximumble.

  6. Cari says:

    Yes, he does look pregnant. This seems like it could be a normal event in Biffworld.

    If I couldn’t taste my food, I’d probably eat much better. I’d be able to reach for the broccoli instead of the chocolate.

  7. Tyler says:

    Haha, good to know I’m not the only one 😛 My window is such that I can see the Biff and not see the punchline, so until the page is fully loaded I’ve got about 3 seconds of wondering just what the heck you thought up this week, Chris

  8. Ryan Ballantyne says:

    This is what I saw: http://ryanballantyne.name/forumstuff/preggers.png

    I love it when the ads on a page actually align with the content…

  9. Centaur71 says:

    Rock-a-bye biffy, on the tree top…

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