#1252 – Charge
Posted on March 30, 2011 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comics
I remember when I was a kid and solar powered calculators became commonplace. It seemed obvious that in the near future more and more objects would run exclusively from the power collected from the ambient room lighting. I guess the main problem is that all the low power devices that could use that technology need to also operate in the dark. What solar powered devices do you use?
Today’s Maximumble is cleared for take off.
Tags: future, gadgets, solar
My patented solar-powered light bulb is a major hit with the eco-friendly sector.
The Duck Has Spoken.
There are solar powered flashlights you know. They store a charge during the day and then can be used at night. They’re useful because you don’t need to mess around with batteries.
I’m actually planning on making my house solar powered!
Hey, stop this! You’re going to use up all the sunlight!
I have a solar-powered universal charger in case of emergencies. Good for charging dead laptops or phones.
solar wristwatch. The bomb. My first one wasn’t so great but that was from 1985. My latest, Citizen Ecodrive is awsome.
Calculators, a watch. Nothing much else, really. But then, I mostly use low-power electronics that last a long time on one charge.
I could really use a solar recharger for my camera, though…
I’ve got these solar powered shade providers outside. Only problem is that every year, the solar collectors dry up and fall off – and it takes months for them to fix it. (In fact, I’m still waiting…)
My house (that I don’t actually live in much since I’m off at college) runs off solar panels on the roof that generate more than enough electricity on a sunny day and have a backup battery that could last a bit over a day of normal use in case of a power outage (we’re still connected to the grid for cloudy days so we don’t have to worry about the battery).
On a related note, I used to love those solar powered calculators in math class! I used to cover up the solar panels and watch them die, then give them light and turn them back on and repeat the process. Hey, it was math class, what was I supposed to do?
Welcome back PsychoDuck!
The good ones don’t do this, but the solar powered calculators at my school don’t work unless there’s a decent amount of light. So it was bright enough to see the test, but they had to turn the lights on so the calculators would work… Inefficient much?
@biggo there is enough energy in 1 hour of sunlight to power the earth for an entire year so do the math with a solar calculator
There are bags with solar cells which allows you to recharge small electronic devices like mobile phones and so on.
Hopefully iPods won’t need that many solar cells in the future.
Also, it seems PsychoDuck upgraded his avatar during his absence. It’s a little more fitting to his name, and a little more creepy…
My family has a solar powered well. The downside is that if it’s overcast for too many days in a row, no showers for us. Ick.
I don’t have anything solar-powered. Namely due to the fact I live in cloudy Washington state.
I’ve got a solar cell with a variety of equipments. A lamp, a radio with no buttons and a fan. One of them is even useful on sunny days.