#1189 – Pulled

Does anyone have one of those decorative nutcrackers? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one used to actually crack nuts. I’ve used many different metal ones but never one that looked like it was going to eat me snacks when I had my back turned.

Also, books of an electrical nature!

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21 thoughts on “#1189 – Pulled”

  1. Gwid says:

    I’ve seen ones that actually crack nuts, at a few shops. Dozens more that don’t.
    I’ve never bought one, though.
    Either way, I prefer normal nutcrackers. It beats trying to crack them open with a hammer.


  2. chazz says:

    We picked one of those up in Germany, sort of as proof that we had actually lived there for a while. Blasted thing is made of softwood and won’t crack a thing. Typical tourist junk…

  3. Kree says:

    I’ve had all four wisdom teeth removed at once, it was not fun at all! I wore bags of frozen peas over my face for weeks 🙁

    I’ve also had rotten luck with nutcrackers (of the non-soldier variety). They were the metal equivalent of cheap breakable plastic; both of them completely failed after a handful of uses.

  4. Psychlycan says:

    Lucky me, if I really need to get into nuts like that, I use my own teeth, as for my wisdom teeth, still haven’t had them removed, even though my teeth seem to be re-arranging themselves because of it now.

  5. Cyndaquazy says:

    What a weird coincidence, I had my wisdom teeth pulled last Monday (Dec. 20). Thankfully I was deeply sedated and had some strong prescription painkillers to alleviate the pain afterwards. However, the dentist didn’t offer to implant them into a nutcracker for me to take (and a good thing, too, as it would’ve probably sent the cost up another $200).

  6. lisa says:

    I never got wisdom teeth, they are not there to grow in.

  7. MaskMan says:

    My mother has dozens of the decorative nutcrakers around her house. ‘Tis a bit frightening.

    My wisdom teeth, having shattered, were all pulled in the same session – Without the benefit of novocaine. But, honestly, I was in so much pain that I never noticed the lack. I was back to work that same night – My dentist was an *artist* with the pullers!

  8. Rinnachan says:

    My mother collected nutcrackers, they were all over the house all year long. Along with pictures and clocks and necklaces, we even had nutcrackers on the end of the pulls for the ceiling fan.

  9. Listy says:

    I asked for a nutcracker of my own for Christmas when I was seven or eight. I don’t know now what I was thinking–if I just thought they were cool or if I was hoping he’d come to life and we could run off to the land of the sugar plum fairy–but I still have him after all these years. He can’t crack any nuts, though. Purely decorative.

  10. Redmage913 says:

    Congrats, I think that was the scariest image of the year.

    Thank you.


  11. Somebody says:

    Grew up with a bunch of those “Realistic” Nutcrackers around the house around Christmas time. All kinds of make and model, so to speak, with different sizes, designs, and outfits. There were a few we weren’t supposed to use because of age, but we used them for cracking nuts too! Of course…the little metal ones WERE easier and less of a hassle to clean…

  12. Xythis says:

    No fair! My dentist didn’t let me keep my wisdom teeth.

  13. i have never had a tooth pulled by a dentist but i have had teeth pulled by myself one time i twisted one out another i pushed 2 molars out within a minute of each other and then one time a i pulled a tooth out while riding to school and it was a molar so yeah i have a VERY un sensitive mouth plus the one time i went to the dentist i had 1 cavity because i had forgot to brush my teeth the night before and HAPPY NEW YEAR

  14. uwg says:

    My nephew, who is 8, collects them. He has quite a bunch. He got a Sherlock Holmes nutcracker among his Christmas loot this year.

    /long-time reader – well, 8 months really, but I’ve been through the archive – first-time commenter

  15. MadDavid says:

    I had all four wisdom teath removed on the same day, and it was no problem at all. I could have driven myself home. Then two more wisdom teeth grew in and had to be pulled after they got cavaties.

  16. Radical Edward says:

    I’m allergic to hazelnuts. I am to avoid all nuts except peanuts, which are actually legumes. Still, in my desperation, when I was hungry, I ate a biscotti with almonds on the inside and outside.
    I’ve seen those nutcrackers. My sister collected them at one point.

    However, I’ve had my wisdom teeth pulled all in under a few hours. Thank god there is anesthetic!

  17. Fuzzymuffinz (formerly IDK) says:

    I just got all four wisdom teeth taken out last Monday. I don’t remember anything that happened after they gave me the anesthetic.

    My little brother used to collect decorative nutcrackers. We still have most of them, and we set them out every Christmas.

  18. bluelunar says:

    My brother brought one back from Germany. It’s cool, a little scary and looks like it would shatter before any nut!

  19. Rasheed says:

    Grandma had given me a soldier nut cracker one year, and it spent most of my teen years on my desk catching dust. One Christmas sometime later, Grandma had given me a tin of nuts. My baby sister ran up to my room and came back with the soldier. Completely innocent and oblivious, she informed me and the rest of the family that “YOU CAN USE IT TO CRACK YOUR NUTS!!!”

  20. I got an unpainted nutcracker at a craftstore years ago and painted it evil. Dunno what became of it though.

    They didn’t let me have my wisdom teeth–said they had to be incinerated. 🙁

  21. DaemonThanatos says:

    Never got my wisdom teeth removed. however, they did remove some of my other teeth. it was painful. I also miss creeping people out with the “extra tooth” that i had. *sigh* well, my bite is still pretty bad. just less “oh god, what IS that?!” now.

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