#1188 – Extraction

I have horrible dreams of my teeth crumbling and falling apart at inopportune times. Not that there’s a good time for that to happen but it’s especially troublesome during a 7th grade history test. It’s hard to ask to be excused to go to the bathroom when your mouth is full of shattered molars.

Also, electronic codex facsimiles!


28 thoughts on “#1188 – Extraction”

  1. -2! says:

    I had a dream one time where my mouth started to spawn teeth really fast causing the others to shoot out like rockets.

  2. TJovian says:

    Ow! Just looking at this makes my teeth ache!

  3. EH says:

    Don’t those dreams usually mean that you are stressed out? I get them occasionally.

  4. Grug says:

    Apparently dreams of teeth falling out is one of the most common among adults. I had a similar one, although it involved them turning to a butter-like consistency and having them fall apart one chunk at a time.

  5. ZeoViolet says:

    Wow, I didn’t know dreams like that were so common. I have dreams of my teeth just randomly rotting out of my mouth quite often. They sort of scare me.

  6. Lisa says:

    I had a dream once that my tooth broke in half. Oh wait that wasn’t a dream…
    Yeah, it is exactly as horrible as it feels in your dreams…

  7. Q says:

    Seems I was the unlucky one when I was in 5th grade I had 6 teeth fall out in the same history class. Wow that was long ago

  8. fuzzyizmit says:

    OMG, I have dreams like this all the time. I HATE them! They majorly creep me out. With my dreams, my teeth become extremely fragile, like glass, and any knock, bite or accident will start them crumbling and cracking in my mouth.

  9. Rasheed says:

    I never have the teeth or butterfly dreams, supposedly very common. I do have the “3rd” most common dream of driving a car from the backseat.

  10. onex says:

    Ow, and also ow.
    @Rasheed: Butterfly dreams?
    I’ve had dreams about my teeth falling out or just getting loose, and ones about driving a car from the back seat. What’s supposed to be the psychological reason for those?

  11. AmanoYuki says:

    …definetly teeth week.

    Gah, my teeth- actualy, scrath that, MY WHOLE MOUTH is killing me.
    I managed to get lcers the same week I got toothache.
    And I have a dentists appointment tomorrow…
    …but I hate them…
    Anyone get annoyed when they X-ray your teeth, and they shove the X-ray machine down your throught, and you can’t say so, because theres a machine is your mouth?


  12. MaskedMan says:

    My wisdom teeth came in straight and true… and too far. They crushed and shattered against the opposing teeth.

    Yeah, it hurt every bit as mcuh as you think it did.

  13. it’s annoying to lose while eating corn kernels or corn on the cob because the teeth tend to hide in the corn and you don’t notice until you take that one bite with the tooth and it hits where it fell out

  14. Cari says:

    I have dreams where 1 or two teeth are extremely loose and I have to be very careful not to make them fall out. I didn’t know tooth dreams were that common.

  15. LazerWulf says:

    I always figured those dreams meant I needed to brush my teeth more often.

  16. IDK says:

    I just had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out, so this made me wince.
    Biff is awesome, though!

  17. howlslikewolf says:

    I never have had a “teeth” dream. My nightmares usually involve tornadoes coming at me, or falling into icy water and not being able to get to the surface.

    Worst nightmare of all is having something horrible happen to my pet, where he is almost-but-not-quite killed by something, and he is in terrible pain, and I can’t help him. Geez; just talking about it gives me that same feeling!

  18. Mister Disco says:

    I had a dream that I was conscious when my wisdom teeth were removed, and they broke them and kept pulling out pieces for a length of time such as that the pieces made up more mass then all of my real teeth….

  19. Wizard says:

    Can’t remember ever having a tooth dream. I do occasionally dream that my hair is falling out. This is a little odd, since my hair remains thick despite regular shedding. (Between my long hair and the constant shedding, I’m worse than having a big shaggy dog in the house.) It may be noticeably graying, but at least I still have it…

  20. Radical Edward says:

    I remember reading the Tong Sing (a special almanac used in Chinese homes). In the Tong Sing, dreams of losing your teeth meant death of your parents in real life. I have proof. My mother had a bad dream where all her teeth fell out and she could feel her gums in her dreams. About a few days later, my nana’s heart exploded and she died.

  21. Kyle says:

    I have dreams of my teeth shattering a few times a year at minimum, some of the few I can remember. Is this like a support group for us or something, there are tonnes of us here.

  22. purpleravenhawk says:

    Most people have the “teeth falling out” dream at some point. Psychologically, it represents a concern about appearance and how the rest of the world sees you.

  23. Gwid says:

    O.o Do I spy a reference to the Shark-teeth? Biff has teeth behind his teeth! And some of those teeth are spiky! Recently all my lucid dreams have been nightmares. I blame the cold my sister gave me; whenever I’m sick I have nightmares for some reason.


  24. John says:

    Frozen apples don’t taste like pain, they taste like the teeth they just pulled out.
    That pain flavor is coming from the apple’s new set of teeth as it bites you back.

  25. statik says:

    dreams of your teeth falling out or falling apart come from grinding your teeth while you sleep (it creates enough stimulation to affect your dreams). my father has those dreams and that is what the dentist told him. he said if the dreams are really bad then a rubber mouth guard designed to be slept with will help solve the problem.

  26. Tech says:

    I used to love eating frozen oranges, because it was like a natural slurpee. I stopped when I couldn’t find a non-freezerburnt one.

  27. extremist343 says:

    I don’t get teeth dreams. I get naked in public dreams, flying dreams and nightmares to give Stephen King a run for his money.

    1. extremist343 says:

      Oh yeah, and weird washroom dreams.

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