#1104 – Sort

I’m still haunted by the loss of one of my favorite shirts. In my day to day shirt rotation I always have a favorite. One that’s not too new and stiff but not too worn and falling apart. It’s in that magical sweet spot. One of those shirts just vanished on me. It wasn’t there when I folded the laundry and I couldn’t remember the last time I wore it. Maybe someday I’ll go on vacation and find it tucked into an obscure piece of luggage.


22 thoughts on “#1104 – Sort”

  1. grapy says:

    not quite alphabetical is it i just throw my shirts in a closet and call it good oh and i don’t use hanger’s just to let you know

  2. Chris says:

    @grapy – Good, you shouldn’t be allowed to use hangers.

  3. tekaramity says:

    I try to store my T-shirts by color, at least, since I want to avoid the darker shirts on hot days. I’m *much* further gone with my iPod – I’ve organized most of its playlists by musical key. If I don’t know what key a song is in, I can’t sleep until I find out and file it accordingly. Twenty years of piano/keyboard experience has totally unhinged me by now.

  4. LazerWulf says:

    However my T-shirts go on the hanger is the order they come off, so what shirt I wear each day, while seemingly random, is predetermined on laundry day.

    I, too, have had a favorite shirt go missing. At least 2 of them, if memory serves.

  5. MaskedMan says:

    My favorite T-Shirts don’t vanish… They’re stolen by the ladies in my life. I married the worst thief of the lot, though, so have (sorta) most of them back. Mind I can’t wear them any longer… But at least I get to visit them. 😆

  6. Miles says:

    As the majority of my tee shirts are concert tees, I too have alphabetized them, from AC/DC to White Zombie. (I haven’t seen any X, Y or Z bands, sorry.) My long sleeved collared shirts go in order of color. Usually when a shirt goes missing it’s because a drunken ‘friend; badly needed a replacement shirt for the evening, and even though promises to return my shirts are made, they are, alas, gone forever. (I want my Hellbilly Deluxe shirt back, Scotty!)

  7. Ziriath says:

    My boyfriend use hangers for every shirt he has. I find it kinda creepy, cos I just throw my shirts into the wardrobe.
    My favourite shirts dont vanish. They just get biohazard after some time- even if I wash them with quantum of washing powder and in 60°C and more, they smell after one hour of wearing like I wore it all the month. So they stay in my wardrobe.

  8. ZeoViolet says:

    Chris–you could always go hunt through all your luggage right now to check. ;P

  9. Wizard says:

    Most of my wardrobe tends toward simple black or white, or possibly grey. Thus, I ccould theoretically grab random items in the dark and still have an excellent chance of coming up with a coordinated outfit.

  10. Howls Like Wolf says:

    @Ziriath — In Charleston, S.C.(where mold and mildew grows on anything that sits still an hour), we have a product called BIZ. It is an enzymatic prewash: you soak your clothes in hot water with it for an hour before washing them, and everything comes out really fresh. Even grungy tee shirts.

    My good tees get hung up. My old and boring ones get folded and put on a pile.

  11. i.half4 says:

    I like the lone sock to illustrate the lost T. I recognize it too. It’s the one from your friend the artist who wears them on her arms.

  12. reynard61 says:

    I have (sort of) “uniforms” that I wear during Summer and Winter. In Summer; I wear short-sleeved, front-button white or tan shirts and khaki or gray pants. The sets that are in the best condition are marked A1 thru A7, and the ones that are more worn are marked U1 through U7. (Things get shuffled around or disposed of occasionally as they get worn out.) These are carefully hung in alphanumerical order in my closet. In Winter, I have a bunch of matching camouflage pants that I got on sale that I wear with various T-shirts that I’ve collected over the years. These are neatly folded and shelved according to what they are. (Pants with pants, Shirts with shirts, etc.) Hey, OCD isn’t *always* a bad thing…

  13. Mister Disco says:

    Am I the only one to notice F-J is drooling?

  14. -2! says:

    @ Mister Disco
    Gungerlock anyone

    (Day late but whatever)

  15. dartigen says:

    My t-shirts just get chucked in a drawer. They’re vaguely organised as to whether they are long or short sleeved (and the drawer also contains singlets so they are sequestered from those) but that’s about it.

    My iPod is ordered alphabetically by artist, then by album, then in ascending order by track number. Basically what I’m saying is I hit ‘album by artist’ in iTunes. Podcasts are ordered ascending by episode number, with any specials at the end if they don’t have a number. Movies are ordered by genre, and then by series if applicable.
    It makes finding things so much easier.

  16. YukiYukimura says:

    I end up getting favourite t-shirts, then i lose them and/or grow out of them. Its really frustrating…
    As a rule, though, I now prefer t-shirts that are too big, to disguise my fatness, and because i like having the sleeves down to my elbows and being baggy and stuff…

    I just rejoined dA again…
    I put the Book of Biff down as one of my 2 fave websites, the other being http://www.fogu.com/hm/, a site about Harvest Moon, my altime favourite game.


  17. YukiYukimura says:

    @-2 – you must have good memory to remember that…
    either that, or I have crap memory…


  18. YukiYukimura says:

    Is that sock the sole survivor of the sock drawer balck hole?
    Did it escape?
    Is it new?
    Is it the Gungerlocks dinner?!


  19. NotaWizard says:

    It surprises me how many people have actual organization of they’re clothing (I mean in general, not just the kids here), I have a large foot locker that all my clothing is dumped into right from the laundry basket. Only towels and bed sheets get separated out.

  20. The Dustin says:

    @-2 I think that is exactly the reference Mister Disco is implying since 1100 comics ago, #4, featured the Gungerlock

  21. Chaos Kiwi says:

    I seem to be the only one who noticed the toaster picture.

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