#1089 – Rise

Man, that would have been a great excuse.
“Why haven’t you mowed the lawn today like I asked you?”
“Well, I tried but the lawn mower flew away.”
“Alright then, go play some video games or something.”


22 thoughts on “#1089 – Rise”

  1. Sparta says:

    wow… just wow….

  2. BDan says:

    Like this one, perhaps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=377q9dwV7LU (there are several more of those if you search on youtube, too).

  3. The Dukenator says:

    What’s next? A flying bathtub?

  4. MaskedMan says:

    Sure! Why not a flying bathtub? First, flip it over… Then cut a big hole in the bottom… Then attach your lawnmower with special propellor… Hovercarft!

  5. Elfe says:

    haha this fits to my idea from yesterday.

    “After discovering the neccesary wingspan to carry a human is 27 meters, Biff was certain the flying machine would work”

  6. Luc says:

    We should post Biff-ideas more often: “Biff didn’t have any vacation days left so he sent his skin to get a tan” (Picture of Biff’s skin with folds and holes in the eyes lying baking on the beach)

  7. Baughbe says:

    Next, the riding mower!

  8. MaskedMan says:

    What? A mower you could ride uopn? Never happen – who would want to take it easy whilst mowing? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure that this whole ‘power mower’ fad is going to last long.

  9. YukiYukimura says:

    Ridable Lawnmowers already exist!
    They look slightly like granny scooters.
    “Biff realises he shouldn’t have upset the pidgeons”
    “Biff realises that he shouldn’t let his pet dust bunny hold the balloon”
    Hehe, best ideas I had for this comic.

    I am going… camping… next week.
    On either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, for a week…
    So… If I don’t comment for a few weeks, you will know why…
    Luckily, I will definetly be here for Monday and Tuesdays comics next week.
    I recently got a tablet (*not sure If i’ve already said*) and am trying (*and failing, so far*) to draw Biff. If I ever finish it (*and it looks OK*) I will probably show you all.
    It is summer. I have only just realised I want it to snow on my birthday. My birthday is in January. That was random of me.

    Goodbye, all!

  10. YukiYukimura says:

    Erm… I haven’t actually seen guesses for this weeks theme so, its…
    let me see if i can explain properly…
    Objects that have a slight variation so that they are not very useful
    (*cup has holes in, lightbulb ejects, just spoons, flying lawnmower, fifth thing*)

    I am just wondering if anyone actually did guess and i missed their comment or something…

  11. Rasheed says:

    Did you install the blade upside-down?

  12. onex says:

    My dad has told me that when he worked in a hardware store about 30 years ago, they sold hover mowers, among other things. No wheels: the blades kept it aloft while you mowed.

  13. BradSk88 says:

    I’m just here to complain that I can’t read your comic on my blackberry 😛

  14. Chris says:

    Thanks Brad, now lets go to Tina for the weather. Tina?

  15. SCorinth says:

    It seems that R/C Airplanes shaped like lawnmowers are far more common than I thought. I only ever saw the one hanging from the ceiling of my local hobby shop. It’s very, very similar to the lawnmower from that second video, so I guess that means they were made from a kit of some sort.

  16. -2! says:

    I know I am commenting on Saturday but in this one Biff looks really young to me. I don’t know what it is about it.

    Tina is away today so I -2! am filling in for her. Today they are calling for rain in at least zero locations in our area, daytime high of 5700000K and nighttime low of 0K. Winds no lower then 0m/s topping out at 300000000m/s. The cloud cover should be no more then 100% for the whole day, with no less then not a cloud in the sky. All in all it looks like a great day. Now back to you Chris!

    I hope someone can appreciate at least one reference in there…

  17. YukiYukimura says:

    -2, I am just here to report that you got the weather wrong.
    Then again… you can’t report weather for the whole world… can you?

  18. Tomixcomics says:

    Hahaha! Hilarious! One of your best visual gags so far. And that’s saying something, because you’re great at those.

  19. Kitsune Dzelda says:

    Flying lawnmowers…. I want one now XD

  20. Baughbe says:

    Been a long hard week, so this took a while to crawl out of the dungeons of my mind.
    Biff wonders if using helium to inflate his portable grand piano was a bad idea.

  21. MaskedMan says:

    Umm… Wouldn’t the downdraft compress the grass blades and prevent the actual cutting of the grass..? IOW, you’d just be perambulating a noisy motor about over the lawn… Kinda like a Briggs-and-Stratton in a baby carriage.

    Actually, that sounds *entirely* like something Biff would do! 😀

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