#1088 – Options

For some reason one of my most memorable cereal box toys was a baking powder submarine. Pop open a little chamber and sprinkle baking powder inside. Close it up and drop the sub into a 2-litre bottle filled with water. The sub would sink to the bottom but the water and baking powder would mix and form a bubble. That would take the sub back to the surface of the water where the bubble would pop and send the sub down to the bottom again. It was such a simple toy but pure magic to a little kid.


16 thoughts on “#1088 – Options”

  1. grapy says:

    another fun thing on the same princible are those frog men toys altough i haven’t played with them either that or a pill capsule you know those chewy ones fill a couple of those with baking soda and boom burp mania
    i am going to do that to my sister some time

  2. ladyamethyst83 says:

    my family always loved the spoons that change color that come with the cereal box. we use to fight over them as kids.

  3. Fafnir13 says:

    Wow, I think I actually got that cereal toy. Not that we got it to work, from what I remember…

  4. Acies says:

    waaah… that baking powder submarine DOES sound awesome if it works =O wonder if i can make one? =3 time to google that up =)

  5. Randall says:

    Isn’t it “ironic”? Don’t-cha think?

  6. Elfe says:

    I may not have a webcomic, but i still wanted to know wheter i could draw a guest comic for Biff. cause i came up with a very Bifflike idea… if the awnser is no, ill just tell you.

  7. Cyndaquazy says:

    I wasn’t into cereal as a kid — maybe once or twice a week, but sister practically lived off that stuff for about 3 years

  8. phil says:

    I remember the subs and the divers. Aside from the odd-looking plinth attached to the diver’s foot, I think it was actually more elegant than the sub. The diver would rise to the surface vertically, swing ‘horizontal’ to breathe (and the bubble would free itself from the chamber) … then the diver would sink back to the bottom and start all over again. Fascinating, for at least a minute or two.

  9. soilent says:

    We only get the occassional spoon and drinking straw that changes collors. Or those weird pictures that change depending on the viewing angle. Don’t forget the magnets and the stupid stickers.
    The cool stuff… probably to dangerous for german kids or something.

  10. GuyD says:

    Take a real swiss knife (and not a cheap imitate) instead!

    Greetings from Switzerland!

  11. i.half4 says:

    @Randall: A knife of spoons? Yeah, now *that’s* ironic.
    @Elfe: Chris had a contest to draw Biff doing various things. Go to the home page, then scroll down The Blog of Biff to Biff Doodles. It was a tough competition. Chris really does know how to appeal to some warped minds. Maybe for a really good idea he’ll have another contest.

  12. Cari says:

    @ GuyD: I got a Swiss army knife in Switzerland. It had my name engraved on it. Then I lost it hiking. I have since gotten another one here in the states, but it’s not the same.

  13. Elfe says:

    ah i see 🙂

  14. Heinrich says:

    i think if i got a ‘knife’ like that, i’d bring it camping just to show it off. 🙂

    @randall: you, sir, have just gained one cool point for a bad pun.

  15. Calica says:

    @Elfe: Yes, I agree..I came up with a list of Biff-like ideas one night when I couldn’t sleep

    I have like 8 pages of phrases and material or more…

    Unfortunately I can’t sleep a lot, so I end up writing down ideas (insomnia)

  16. GuyD says:

    @Cari: If it had a red shell you didn’t had an army knife! I know, everyone is calling them swiss army knife, but the original one as in use in the swiss army has a silvery metal shell. The red one was created by the same manufactor and was becoming a huge success allover the world, but the swiss army never bought one! They had brown ones and later, as mentioned, silver ones. I own one by myself because I served in the swiss army. Not volontary, it’s obligatory for all male citoyens here.

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