I see that picture, and all I can think is, in a few seconds, his green shoes are going to fall off, and his legs curl up under the craft. “Emerald Sneakers? Well, that’s a shoe of a different collor!”
It’s ood to see I’m not the only one to think of The Wizard of Oz.
In a garnment shop nearby us you can by a shoes exactly like the red ones in The Oz. I’d like to have them, but thinking I’d never ever use them anyways…I think I’ll save the money.
Star Wars?… like.. before Lucas decided to murder his own creation.
come to the emo side anakin
I’d like to see a certain creature with a high-pitched voice do that to himself.
“Me-sa jar-ja-”
I see that picture, and all I can think is, in a few seconds, his green shoes are going to fall off, and his legs curl up under the craft. “Emerald Sneakers? Well, that’s a shoe of a different collor!”
Too many consecutive laughs, the humor section of my brain is swelling, I think.
“How can you think and hit at the same time?” comes to mind here.
The Wicked Biff of the West is dead, The Wicked Biff of the West is dead!
Hey, Ho, The Wicked Biff is dead!
I guess this proves he has telekinetic powers. (see bending water on Sundays)
*nods head rythematicly*
Why would Biff be eating ice cream while levitating his spacecraft?
Because he CAN!!!
Apparently not mate. ^.^
And here I though I was strong in the force ^.^
Use the force Biff!
At first I thought one of his shoes was off and this was going to be a Wizrd of Oz parody…
It’s ood to see I’m not the only one to think of The Wizard of Oz.
In a garnment shop nearby us you can by a shoes exactly like the red ones in The Oz. I’d like to have them, but thinking I’d never ever use them anyways…I think I’ll save the money.
The fact that he has a spaceship pretty much explains everything…
It explains almost everything. Even an alien should know it isn’t colder inside the fan.
he bought the ship at 3 in the mo’nin
The force is REALLY weak with this one. >>
The Schwartz is strong with this one!
I too thought of a Wizard of Ox reference. Are those the magical Green Shoes that are used to locate the invisible Green Car?
Got to love how Biff occasionally displays his incredible telekinesis. Also, yeah, he’s probably an alien. It explains SO MUCH.
Still funny in 2014