#64 – Socks


0 thoughts on “#64 – Socks”

  1. Eirikr says:

    That’s actually kind of impressive. What are Biff’s socks made of? Wool? Polyester? Rubidium?

  2. MetMan says:

    He needs those anti-static dryer sheets.

  3. Steven says:

    If his socks were made of Rubidium they would ignite in the wash.

  4. Mattz says:

    his socks are made out of an unknown element. Probably Uuz or something.

  5. Seto Kaiba says:

    Who says that he washes them. Maybe he drycleans them.

  6. Kiche says:

    I take back what I said in #60. These socks are clearly superior.

  7. Aijuan says:

    Ow. Think of it, toaster(among other things) hammering you at that velocity.

  8. colin says:

    maybe he dries them with friction since the immovable object’s still in his driericsson

  9. Chuck says:

    Uuz? I hadn’t heard that one, my knowledge (or unknowledge, chemistry sucks) stops at Uuu…

  10. MTXteerling says:

    That’s why it’s unknown. Well, except to biff of course. But then again, biff is almighty.

  11. dilverman says:

    eisai poly malakas

  12. Malachite Dragon says:


  13. zantarath says:

    I guess the next part in his life was censored for gore. cause imagine what happens when the immovable object, his knife drawer, and his sword collection come in.

  14. Dark Pheonix XIII says:

    That wouldn’t matter to much though. Biff seems to be immortal.

  15. karpeth says:

    the elements doesn’t stop. Uuz is also hypothetically impossible, as after ununennium, it goes to unbinillium.

  16. 66point6 says:

    Perhaps they are made of Unununium?
    Or Tungsten(W)!!!
    Teehee. I’m such a nerd. 8)

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. Darkpheonix XIII says:

    does a jig for anonymous

  19. Garrett says:

    His toaster is a one-slot! Space-saving!

  20. DemonRex says:

    Those are some hungry socks.

  21. anteaters stole my sanity says:

    wouldnt the force from the socks create a black hole or something?

  22. Radical Edward says:

    I see Biff likes Sprite…

  23. TomCC says:

    nah, not yet… but if it draws the clean ones from the cupboard to it, then there’s problem…

  24. TerrorBlades says:

    Hhahaha black hole socks!
    Hmmm i wonder where you can buy his socks… You know so you can get a black hole in a “frends” “Home”…. And then if he some how gets away well you still got the other sock…

  25. Chester says:

    I see you were right about the red socks being destroyed in re-entry.
    There not there…

  26. Elkian says:

    Time to get dryer sheets.

  27. Anime Panda says:

    Yay! That’s always fun! ^_^

  28. KatzeWerfer says:

    just think of effect it would have on the earths magnetic field

  29. kaz says:

    No, his gravity just got turned off again.

  30. Danielle says:

    Whooo he has many many many socks.

  31. Psymphonic says:

    The electromagnetic force is much stronger than the gravitational force – photons beat gravitons every time ! Simple particle physics !

  32. Nokore says:

    o.O Is.. Is that a HOTDOG flying towards him? RUN!! The animal food products are finally exacting their revenge!! DX

  33. Deteramot says:

    Yeah, but the force of the static might be enough to seriously mess up the magnetic field. Thunder storms are containing of enough static to effect the magnetic field. Imagine what that would do! Compasses would cease to work. Birds would be flying in circle trying to find north. Communications across the globe would be knocked back to the stone age!

  34. Crazyeyes says:

    @Psymphonic: Yeah, but gravitons beat neutrinos, which beat photons. :3

  35. Hornswaggler says:

    -shakes head- Ah Biff…I thought you learned that drying your socks with friction in your mouth is not a very good idea…

  36. Thedole says:

    biff’s socks are probably made of dark matter

  37. maxsteele2 says:

    If he could harness that power, he could slightly hurt Chuck Norris!

  38. WALLABE says:

    its like the “static” gold rush

  39. Gwidlet says:

    Biff’s socks are made of Unobtamium.

  40. spidercow says:

    Lol i love static electricity. theres this one slide down at this playground down the street from my house where, if you go down it, it generates a bunch of static electricity. I love to go down it a bunch then poke someone.

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