Guest Comic by Christopher Baldwin
Posted on June 27, 2013 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comics
Hey I’m moving! For real! While I’m busy putting things in boxes and playing 3D-Tetris with them some really cool people are helping me out by drawing some comics for you!
Today’s strip is by Christopher Baldwin of Spacetrawler!
Check out his comics at
His twitter is @chris_j_baldwin
NO! NO! NO! This goes against the laws of Biff! You can’t show someone other than Biff!
I think the Laws of Biff contract subsection includes provisions for diplomatic immunity….Chris needs filler while he moves, so guests artists are allowed to breach the Laws of Biff without penalty.
The Laws Of Biff! As they are written, they shall be done! Unless it is funny to do otherwise!
Hee hee hee.
Oh this one had me chuckling.
It looks weird when there is someone more than just Biff in the comic… But then there’s quite a few comics where nobody is seen at all, so I guess it still makes some sense… I guess. If you try not to think of it too much. Maybe.
Buff Biff
Atleast Biff wasn’t talking. XP
Great comic! XP
Biff: A man of many job-talents. Many Talents.
Law one about this comic, only biff