#1176 – Buzzy

I wonder how hard it would be to actually suck honey though a hose. I guess I could pop the top off the honey bear in the kitchen and try drinking it through a straw. I have a fear that I would just end up popping a blood vessel in my eye. Hmm…

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13 thoughts on “#1176 – Buzzy”

  1. Grug says:

    Bugs n Food week?

  2. Gwid says:

    This reminds me of a Winnie-The-Pooh episode. Which, thank you very much, reminds me of a song I just got UNSTUCK from my head. *mutters* meanie……

    Sucking honey through a hose would probably work. We clean the turtle tank by sucking the water out through the hose, except most of the time it’s not water any more – rather, slime.


  3. Baughbe says:

    Biff, you’re not supposed to French the hive.

  4. MaskMan says:

    Do it wrong, and your head will collapse.

    Heat the honey, first. Then you can use the straw… Until you sear the inside of your mouth with hot honey.
    Maybe a collapsed head isn’t sch a bad thing…

  5. Patti says:

    just dont try it with a -paper- straw…. [do they even make those useless things anymore?]

  6. i.half4 says:

    Do straw polls count?

  7. MaskedMan says:

    Dunno. Ask the strawman.

  8. Cari says:

    The only thing the strawman is afraid of is a lit match.

  9. Chaos Kiwi says:

    Bug food week?

  10. Radical Edward says:

    This does bring Winnie The Pooh to mind. Well, I guess that we’re doomed to see failures with bugs and food this week.

  11. PTTG says:

    Anyone know if this is the first time we’ve seen his teeth/tongue?

  12. BrainpanSonata says:

    And the recoiler’s broken again!

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