#1176 – Buzzy
Posted on December 14, 2010 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comics
I wonder how hard it would be to actually suck honey though a hose. I guess I could pop the top off the honey bear in the kitchen and try drinking it through a straw. I have a fear that I would just end up popping a blood vessel in my eye. Hmm…
Tags: bees, bugs, tongue
Bugs n Food week?
This reminds me of a Winnie-The-Pooh episode. Which, thank you very much, reminds me of a song I just got UNSTUCK from my head. *mutters* meanie……
Sucking honey through a hose would probably work. We clean the turtle tank by sucking the water out through the hose, except most of the time it’s not water any more – rather, slime.
Biff, you’re not supposed to French the hive.
Do it wrong, and your head will collapse.
Heat the honey, first. Then you can use the straw… Until you sear the inside of your mouth with hot honey.
Maybe a collapsed head isn’t sch a bad thing…
just dont try it with a -paper- straw…. [do they even make those useless things anymore?]
Do straw polls count?
Dunno. Ask the strawman.
The only thing the strawman is afraid of is a lit match.
Bug food week?
This does bring Winnie The Pooh to mind. Well, I guess that we’re doomed to see failures with bugs and food this week.
Anyone know if this is the first time we’ve seen his teeth/tongue?
And the recoiler’s broken again!