#568 – Early

I bought tickets to take my wife to see Wicked. I got them many months in advance. As the show drew near I added it to a sticky note on my monitor that listed important dates that were coming up. The day finally came and we worked our way through the crowd in the theater lobby up to the ticket taker. When they scanned our tickets the little machine made a *BZZZ* sound. The ticket taker gave a quizzical look at the machine and tried again. *BZZZ* He then handed the tickets back to me. “These tickets were for yesterday.”


22 thoughts on “#568 – Early”

  1. Alex G says:

    Oh no! So you didn’t get to see Wicked then? That’s my favorite musical!

  2. The Dustin says:

    ouch. makes me think back to last year, I was looking forward to the anime convention and when I went to look up the dates, it was the day after it ended.

  3. Torg says:

    That must have been awkward. This comment can apply to either the comic or the anecdote; your choice.

  4. Smitehammer says:

    I did that with three finals in college. Three of them. I’d thought they were the day after when they were. Fortunately the professors all allowed me to make them up. In one class I had five friends I sat with every day and they all had my number — none of them bothered to call to tell me or even noticed I wasn’t there on the day of the FINAL. Some friends they were.

  5. starseedjenny says:


  6. Spiffy suit there! He’s applying for management, right?
    (Oh c’mon, I say that because purple’s a royal color, an authoritative color… whatever :p )

  7. Ioden says:

    What an awesome life Biff leads. :O I wish I had masquerade parties.

  8. althea says:

    I have done the same thing. One of my favourite artists, Alex Lloyd, always played over 18 gigs. Once I turned 18 he took forever to tour. When I was about 19 he finally came again. I bought the tickets well in advance. This was about a 5 year build up to see him.

    I’d had a terrible day at work, and I got through it by thinking “I’m seeing Alex Lloyd””I’m seeing Alex Lloyd”. When I got there the venue was closed. I was in denial for a few minutes until my friend made me show him the ticket. The concert was the night before. I was devo.

    To this day, the Alex Lloyd curse remains and I have never seen him live yet. 🙁

  9. Fiaroka says:

    Wow, that would have sucked. I probably would’ve started crying right there since it’s my fav. musical and I still haven’t seen it yet.. ^^’;

  10. Josh says:

    Ouch. That’s why I don’t trust myself to remember dates. I just put them in my phone nad have it remember them for me.

  11. Charlotte says:

    Hehe, I’ve got a job interview tomorrow that I’m nervous about, but at least I can’t make a worst impression than Biff!

  12. jeremy says:

    Them’s the breaks. Now if only you were wearing a masquerade outfit… wait, were you?

  13. Eliza says:

    On the other hand, Biff looks pretty darn good in that outfit…

  14. "rar" -ivy says:

    I HAVE had a masquerade party. 😀

  15. An Ony Mouse says:

    Wow. You missed a great show. Wicked is incredible. Do you at least get compensated for the tickets?

  16. Speakerblast says:

    *biff walks in*

    manager- you sir, have guts! You’re hired!

  17. Pom Rania says:

    Not related to this comic, but I just had a Biff moment about an hour ago.

    So I’ve been home alone for the last week, and I’m playing some music on the computer, when I hear a noise. It sounded a bit like a car door slamming, but I knew nobody else was supposed to be here. I was kind of worried for a bit, then forgot about it.

    When I opened the oven door (I was cooking myself some potatoes [chicken too, but I’d already taken out the chicken]) I found that one of them had literally exploded. Seriously. That was the noise I heard. I pricked another potato with my fork, and — STUFF (I suppose it was potato juices) came out and hit me. It was hot, but thankfully not hot enough to burn me.

  18. anon. says:

    hehe that’s why you prick them BEFORE putting them in the oven =D

    dude that ticket situation SUUUUUUCKS. I got to see Wicked at the Apollo theatre in London, It was AMAZING. hope you still get to see it sometime

  19. no name says:

    ooo. I’d hate to have that happen. The annecdote I mean, lol.

  20. Miles says:

    My first concert… Korn. (Guns n’ Roses / Metallica was supposed to be my first back in ’92…) We’d bought the tickets well in advance. ERNIE bought the tickets well in advance. He never pays them any attention until we are well on our way there… they were for the night before. Fortunately, they are playing at the same venue, so we quickly find a Warehouse Music with a ticketmaster and I buy two new tickets. They were better than the ones we’d had for the night before.

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