#1838 – Masticate

Ugh, chewing is so time consuming. Who has time for that? Besides, I need my hands for other important things like twitter and punching the rabid turtles that have infested our island. Why did we move here in the first place?

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6 thoughts on “#1838 – Masticate”

  1. Peter Wolff says:

    What became of the good ol’ feeding tube?

  2. Oh, well that was weird! I wrote a comment on the previous comic because I couldn’t see any newer comics, but now it seems like the problem got fixed when I wrote that comment… Maybe the page didn’t update in my browser until I wrote a comment? That’s weird!

    I think that eating would get pretty boring if you would teleport the food like that, because then you wouldn’t get to taste the food…

    1. Chrisleech says:

      I would think that would be a perk if you were trying to have a balanced diet but are a picky eater.

  3. kingklash says:

    Why have someone chew the food? That’s why God invented the blender. Toss the food in with some vegatable juice, or beef broth, and frappe’ the heck out of Lunch. Then have Scotty beam it into your gut.

  4. Falos says:

    The cooking of meat was a surprisingly significant advance for man; we found the time to develop language and culture once our forerunners didn’t have to waste hours chewing raw meat.

  5. Marscaleb says:

    Auuuaghhhha ha ha ha ha haaaaughh!!

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