#1047 – Woozy

I never had to make my bed as a kid. It’s something that I always did right as I was going to bed instead of right after getting up… or 5 minutes before company was coming over.


18 thoughts on “#1047 – Woozy”

  1. Lolrus says:

    I hate it when the gravity is turned off when I’m taking a shower.

  2. Tobias Talon says:

    Yay! Space week!

  3. Space Butler says:

    Your story is me, spot on…except I still maintain that practice.

  4. PsychoDuck says:

    I sleep all pressed up against the wall with pillows all around my head. “Making the bed” is a foreign concept to me to say the least.

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  5. Marr965 says:

    Making the bed isn’t really an alien concept to me, but the last time I made my bead was… um… Saturday.

  6. LazerWulf says:

    What is the purpose of making the bed, if no one but you is going to see it, and it’s going to get messed up the next night anyway?

  7. ZeoViolet says:

    I make the bed only once in a blue moon or two….or again if company is coming over.

  8. Rico says:

    I only make the bed when place new bed clothes. I live alone and the people who ends in my bed doesnt care much about if its done or not.

    P.D: @PsychoDuck That way to sleep doesn’t sounds healty 😉

  9. MaskMan says:

    For a second there, I thought Biff had forgot to pay his gravity bill again, but then I realized that it’s still just ‘Biiiff in Spaaaaace!’ week.

    @ i.half4; Most *excellent* link!

  10. kenotooth says:

    I always thought that they wouldn’t really ever bother with something as complex and impossible as artificial gravity.
    Why do that when you have the magic of centrifugal force? If you can make a big enough space ring? You would be able to put normal earth structures inside.

  11. baughbe says:

    Making your bed? You mean you have to keep rebuilding it? I can see it with Biff here with all the parts ending up everywhere. But how many times do you have to reattach the headboard before you realize that you got a really crummy bed? Or are all of you THAT active in the sack?

  12. i.half4 says:

    So is he trying to do it then after the fact, or was he just napping on the edge of the red carpet when the gravity went off?

  13. Vrominelli says:

    What is this “bed” thing you speak of?

  14. -2! says:

    @ kenotooth

    The Centrifugal Force according to Einstein is artificial gravity (as in your reference frame is accelerating). Somehow I don’t think Chris was thinking about that though…

  15. lilpunk91 says:

    Im lucky ive tied my bed cloths to my bed so they stay neat!

  16. kenotooth says:

    @-2! well yes that is true…

    I was just using reality as an example…however it is kind of joke-killing

  17. Radical Edward says:

    I don’t toss about that much in bed. Mainly because the last time I shared a bed with someone was 3 years ago. I never got complaints that I kicked, punched or shoved people sharing the bed with me.

    But then again, currently, I sleep in a queen size bed by myself and with a cat at the foot of the bed on the opposite side.

    Sharing a bed usually for me means I deal with people waking up from snoring or I wake up with everyone else when a low-flying plane passes overhead.

    My sleeping arrangements are crappy at best over the years.

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