#468 – Mold

I still remember making dip candles back in 2nd grade. Our teacher had us bring in broken crayons from home. We sorted them by color into metal buckets that were then heated to melt the wax down. We tied one end of the wick to a candle and the other end to a metal weight. We formed a line and would dip the wick in the wax an then do a lap around the classroom for that layer to harden. I kept changing the color of mine… 5 layers red… 5 layers green… 5 layers blue. We then got to take them home as gifts for our moms.

I got the first round of changes for Book 2 back from the editor today. I have to add a lot of commas 🙂 Things will be wrapping up soon! Order Book 2 here.


0 thoughts on “#468 – Mold”

  1. KMakato says:

    That’s gonna be hell to cut! 😛

  2. Sleepingorange says:

    I thought it was going to be Jell-O at first.

  3. SEA says:

    Strange, but i also thought it was jell-O…

  4. Seraphine says:

    Wax fruit works well too,
    unless you have plastic bugs.

  5. Josh says:

    I remember making dip candles at a church function when I was little. That was actually more fun that it looked. Interesting how the most simple of things is fun to a child. Case in point: Tag.

  6. Matthew says:

    List of things to find:
    1. G-Spot. CHECK
    2. Holy Grail of fruit preservation. CHECK
    3. Something funnier than Biff on an early morning.

  7. Bobs says:

    I thought it was aerogel. Expensive as hell, but i want a chunk of the stuff.

  8. Heinrich says:

    seraphine – i think that if biff had a problem w/ plastic bugs, he wouldn’t have to worry about the fruit. unless he had a problem w/ plastic & normal bug at the same time.

    but that definitely seems like something biff would do. (: he’s cool like that.

  9. Jackson says:

    Add me to the ever-growing list of people who at first glance thought it was jell-o.

  10. Tarrant says:


    Run for your reflex saves!

    Oh wait its wax. Phew.

  11. Arix says:

    I thougt it was jelly. Does that count?

  12. MaskedMan says:

    Heh! And here I was, thinking Ballistic Gelatin…

    Chalk up another fine and useful item in Biff’s Helpful Domestic Tips Week!

  13. MaskedMan says:

    Oh! Afterthought – This isn’t at all hard to cut. He can use the circular saw, or the flamethrower. Either will handily remove the excess waxy buildup from the fruit…

  14. Gobbledegook says:

    I thought it was jello at first glance too, until I realized this was “housekeeping tips” week and then read the caption.
    How the heck did he mold that thing??

    @Josh: Tag is still awesome, you just have to tweak it a little by adding extra elements (i.e.: freeze tag, paintball, lazer tag, etc.).

  15. speearr says:

    Well I’m glad Biff ain’t my grocer…..!

  16. Kronos says:

    I do wonder how he got those fruits so well spread through the wax

  17. Shasjin says:

    What’s Biff doing behind the cube fruit?

  18. Chris says:

    @Shasjin – reading the paper.

  19. the Scarf says:

    I thought he was trying to cut it with a knife…
    I also thought it was jello…

    Gobbledegood: Laser tag and paintball is AWESOME!!!

    Though, recently someone brought a bunch of ammo to my school and threw them around outside…now there’s yellow splats on everything…

  20. I love the theme this week. I also really love the title of this comic. Hilarious.

  21. Lorinc Del Motte says:

    Looks like ice, actually.

  22. biggo says:

    Hey, this would be a great way to stop people from messing with your computer at lunchtime. Biff has the coolest ideas.

  23. Zach Light says:

    only problem is, when you want your fruit, its gonna have that waxy taste

  24. Twigs says:

    The irony is, they do actually coat apples in wax. Eurgh. It’s not as charming in real life =(

  25. DaemonThanatos says:

    Just remember not to eat the wax…

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