#306 – Jar

I don’t really remember having a cookie jar when I was a kid. When my mom made cookies I don’t think they lasted long enough to need a jar to put them in. My friend’s mom across the street must have had 10 or 12 cookie jars. When they made cookies over there they made them like squirrels storing nuts for the winter. Every horizontal surface in a 20 foot radius of the stove was covered in cooling racks holding warm gooey cookie goodness.

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0 thoughts on “#306 – Jar”

  1. Darkr0nin says:

    Mmmn… shards of cookie jar, healthy snack no doubt. 😛

  2. The Phill says:

    Yum my favorite snack. Bleed from the gums until you die. Sounds delicious doesn’t it. If only I had biffs logic.

  3. Micah says:

    Who took the glass from the cookie jar? Was it you?
    Who me? Couldn’t be?
    If not you, then who?

  4. Chuck says:

    Cookie jars aren’t for cookies OR broken ceramics. They’re for money and valuables.

  5. CojoinedCows says:

    Cookie jars make excellent hats. IF they’re big enough.

  6. Giga says:

    He must have loved the old cookie jar like a brother. Too bad it died got broken.

  7. The Crack Ninja says:

    Cookie jars are very easily broken you know. I can’t count the number of jars I’ve broken as a child. Ah those were the days, a little ninja in training. Back then I wasn’t so much as a crack ninja as a crap ninja.

  8. Kuroiten says:

    A cookie jar within a cookie within a cookie jar…

  9. Adam M says:

    Before I read the caption I thought he had created some sort of cookie jar version of a Chinese finger trap, and then forgotten about it, trapping his wrist.
    Like a monkey trap.
    It makes sense to put the remains of the old in the new though. Right?

  10. Kozo the Kid says:

    mmmm…. shards and choco-gooey goodness.
    yeah… porcelain, blood, and cookie must be very tasty to biff.

  11. Silfedac says:

    I was wondering, How many of you guys use the forums?

  12. MoonWolf says:

    I remember I had the Tweety cookie jar which would sing something loud whenever you opened it. Going deaf kinda takes the taste out of cookies really.

    By the way, I’m new. Love the comic.

  13. Giga says:

    …There’s forums?

    Also, I never had a cookie jar. My parents didn’t want one, I guess. XD

  14. Radical Edward says:

    We rarely have use for a cookie jar. Mainly because the cookies disappear within a week. We usually store our cookie in plastic tubs by Ziploc.

  15. Tomahawk Man says:

    …um. That was probably one of the dumbest thigs he could have done.

  16. Tyler says:

    We have no use for cookie jars; usually, all the cookies are eaten soon after they’re made. But, if I were to buy a cookie jar, it would be the one I saw at Wal-Mart a few years back. It looked like a lion, and the jaw section was where you opened it up. And if you opened the jar, it would say…
    “-ROAR!- Get your hands outta my cookie jar!”

  17. Elkian says:

    Pain reception in three, two…

  18. Marr965 says:

    Did anyone else see this comic and think of Blockhead from Newgrounds?

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